Passage 1
题目::Fishing hooks of the Maori
1. Purpose of the Maori hooks was misunderstood TRUE
2. Fishing in New Zealand was harder than Pacific NOT GIVEN
3. After moving to New Zealand, Maori changed hook materials TRUE
4. Shape of Maori hooks was restricted by materials TRUE
5. Quality of European hooks same with Maori hooks FALSE
6. Early European hooks were gifts given by Maori NOT GIVEN
7. European hooks and Maori ones worked in similar ways FALSE
8. After Anderson arriving, Maori already began agriculture TRUE
9. valued hooks kept as jewelry
10. metal items like nails
11. European collectors became interested
12. hooks that were fake
13. modern boats
Passage 2
题目:Tackling Hunger in Msekeni
题型:List of Heading配对题7,填空4 ,多选2
Liste of Headinqs 题目 6
14. A 段选vi Unusual use of school premises
15. B 段选 iv None of usual cause for hunger
16. C 段选viii How food system works
17. D 段选 ii How food affects attendance
18. E 段选 viii Surprising academic outcomes
19. F 段选iii How food improved study
20. G 段选 vii A global perspective
21. girls given additional food
22. collect firewood
23. 85% passing rate
24. Average size increased by 50%
A food aid improved local conditions
C no extra teaching staff were recruited
Passage 3
题目:An introduction to Origins of Behaviourist Psychology
题型:判断3 ,填空3 ,配对4 ,多选4
27. J. Watson believes that brain originates all other activities NO
28.Behaviourist psychologists gave a full explanation for using rats NOT GIVEN
29. Behaviourist psychologists regard changing behavior as success YES
31. Ignored feelings of subjects
33. as a result of J Watson work D took place of mental experiences
34. Perception and cognition F proved to be difficult to investigate
35. Stimulus and Response C risked giving misunderstanding
36. A drawback A underestimate human nature
Four drawbacks mentioned by the author
37. A led to misunderstanding ways of study
38. C ignores the complexities of human
39. E neglects mental experiences
40. F