Section One题材题目题型
交通Driving Theory Test段落细节配对 9
1. A段:the introduction of the driving theory test
2. B段:this part of test should be included in driving lessons
3. B段:one content of test has been changed name
4. C段:two types of tests
5. D段:the content of one part of the test varies according to different types of vehicles
6. E段:answer the questions in the order you want
7. E段:take a short break before the danger perception test
8. F段:be asked to write comments
9. G段:be informed how you performed in the test
Section Two题材:噪音,题目:Noises,题型:判断 5
判断 5:
10. You can advertise anything by a loudspeaker before 9 p.m.=> FALSE
11. To sell things in vehicles, one has to get the permission from the police. => NOT GIVEN
12. The instruction to entertainment premises should be followed within a time limit. => TRUE
13. Police have the right to enter a building if the burglary alarm keeps starting and finishing during an hour. => TRUE
14. The key holder must be the owner of the building. => FALSE
Section Three题材题目题型
梯子Ladder Tips填空6
文章主旨: 梯子造成了许多意外,最容易引起事故。在使用梯子前要注意梯子的横档螺丝等完好。作业时要抓住两边栏杆,如果梯子不够长要再去买,而不是垫一个盒子。注意梯子摆放时与地面形成的角度。爬到梯子上的时候注意鞋子是否干净没有泥土,以防滑倒。不要带东西爬到梯子上。平时要注意维护梯子。
15. One has to ensure the rungs of the ladder are not worn.
16. While working, one has to hold on to the side aisles of the ladder.
17. Make sure the bottom of the ladder is put on the ground, not on a window pane.
18. Before climbing on the ladder, there should be no mud on the shoes.
19. Don’t carry things up and use a hand line.
20. Protect a wooden ladder by a clear preservative.
Section Four题材题目题型
文化USA Culture Exchange Program填空题 7
21. Before you apply, please ensure:
22. you are at the right age
23. you have the certificates for English skills
24. Send necessary documents and fees.
25. Waiting for the Inter Exchange to check whether or not you are eligible.
26. To have an internship, interviews between employees and employers will be arranged.
27. If visa cannot be used, please contact the InterExchange representative immediately.
Section Five题目:动物,题目:Mother Bear Man,题型:段落细节配对 8
判断 5
段落细节配对 8:
28. A段:How Ben teaches the two bears to eat plants.
29. B段:How the mother bear abandoned the two little bears.
30. C段:The initial expectations of Ben in the learning process.
31. D段:The standard method of rehabilitating bears.
32. E段:Ben’s own method of bringing up bears.
33. F段:Bears have more complex needs than foods.
34. H段:Bears distinguishing between human beings.
35. I段:Ben and bears benefit each other.
36. Bear mother only abandons baby bears in emergencies. => TRUE
37. Ben’s wife was not happy to see bears in her house. => NOT GIVEN
38. Ben’s parents had looked after abandoned animals before. => TRUE
39. Ben learn bears’ behaviors through books and journals. => False
40. The two bears are happier in the woods than in Ben’s house. => NOT GIVEN