本次考试又有一篇文章话题与语言类有关,可见最近语言学文章是大热。第一篇Dust and Amencan ,与地理环境类有关,剑桥真题中类似话题可参考C5T4P1和C6T1P3 ;第二篇与人类嗅觉有关,可参考C8T2P3 ;第三篇探寻语言意义的文章,可参考C5T1P1和C9T3P1。
Passage 1
美国西南沙尘的起源,历史,调查对大平原地带的影响,产生的问题 部分答案回忆:
1. The dust had shot up dramatically since the second half of 19 century true
2. The Aztec civilization disappeared due to the dust in the atmospheres false
3. Before people bringing castles southwest has a lot of basins in great plain false
4. Basins number decreased since European settlers found them are easy to be hunt not given
5. Railway building used more money than expected not given
6. &&&hand railway company work hard to protect the land they own false
7. Until today the land belongs to company still infertile, true
1930s law Limit 8 cattle herbs Today BF research where the dust comes from Analysis components and 9 size From southwest BN soil cannot be destroyed by high 10 wind Soil can be destroyed by cattle hooks Analyzing 11 lake sediments
Discover. 12 nutrients
Dust cannot be blamed for gradual disappearance of. Snow and 13 glaciers
Passage 2
题目:Follow Your Nose
14-18 heading
14 A conflicting views
15 C original alarm
16 D 实验 painful experience
17 E实验 气温疗法能够缓解painful
18 G great effect when combine more than more senses
A M&&&
B E &&&
C G&&&
D two persons
19 b smell can be influenced by pictures or verbal
20 a smell cannot bring sharper memory
21 d combine of two or three senses
22 b smell cannot isolated from others
23 a smell is in the same section of memory in the brain
24 c
25 气味疗法的现状是 it is helpful to those who believe it
26 认为气味不可靠的原因是it can be affected by written and verbal factors
Passage 3 题材:语言类 新旧情况:新题
题目 :What is meaning?
27第一段指出了什么? Conventional teaching and responds
28 second paragraph means? Dictionary cannot give an exactly definition
29 Louis words means? A questionable approach. Cannot give out the definitions 30what does personnel manager means? People do not share the same value
31 yes
32 not given
33 yes flag and words may have the same resource
34 no a story is amusing even you cannot understand
35 comic strip part of education
36 dictionary cannot give exact definition
37 BERMAN focus on usage of word
38 flags Shared values
39 a story cannot be understood is meaningless
40 bill. Social context