Give up smoking 疲倦时不抽烟
Apart from the well-known serious health effects, nicotine robs the vitamins and minerals essential for energy production. Try sucking on mints instead - these will keep you alert, awake and distracted.
Limit your alcohol intake 少饮酒
Excess amounts of alcohol can interfere with your sleeping patterns, which in turn affects your well-being. Instead of heading to the pub after work, go for a walk with friends. The fresh air and exercise will revitalise you!
Eat foods rich in Vitamin B 多吃富含维他命B的食物
Try to eat loads of fruit and vegetables, wheat germ, seeds, nuts, whole grain, fish and dairy produce. Vitamin B is required for the production of energy.
Eat small meals 少食多餐
If you pig out at lunch time and then at dinner you will feel relatively drained afterwards. To prevent this from happening, the experts recommend eating small meals often.
Make this secret drink 给自己做一杯“全能饮品”(配方如下)
Okay, you're in the office. It's only 2pm and your energy levels are at an all time low. Concoct your own drink to zap those blues. Mix one banana, one mango (if in season), half a medium-sized pineapple, 150ml milk or a small carton of plain low-fat yoghurt and one teaspoon of honey in a blender. The great thing about this drink is a banana is a far better source of energy than a bar of a chocolate.