
2022-05-21 01:07:22



  Passage 1 仿生学



  3.Multiple choice

  Passage 2 马戏团重生

  题型:1.Locating the information

  2.Sentence Completion


  Passage 3 人与人互动合作

  题型:1. Multiple choice

  2. Matching


  邓晶 上海新东方雅思直通车写作教研组长。英国巴斯大学,对外英语教学 (TESOL) 硕士。 英语专业八级。多年雅思教学经验,主讲写作、阅读、语法词汇。授课风格亲和幽默生动。倡导深入浅出、寓教于乐的讲课方式。通过对考题的深入分析总结,引导学生了解西方国家写作模式和要求,继而写出“接地气”的雅思作文。

  TASK 1


  TASK 2

  With major cities continue growing, are there any problems to young people? How to solve these problems?


  此题同2010年8月14日考题:The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. What are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with? Give solutions to these problems.



  1. Your work or your studies (持续高频), Why did you choose to do that kind of work or subject or major? / What subject are you studying? / Why did you choose that (particular) school/university?

  2. Colour(本周热门考题), Do you think colour reflects people’s personalities?

  3. Shoes (本周热门考题),In terms of shoes, which is more important to you, the look or the comfort?

  4. Transport(持续高频), what is your favourite transport?

  5. Name(本周热门考题),Does your name have any particular meaning?

  6. Weather and Climate, Would you say there have been any changes in the climate (in your hometown) in the recent past?

  7. Family / Friends (本周热门考题),Why do people need to sustain a constant relationships with their relatives and friends? Do you love making friends? What do you normally do when you and your friends hang out?

  8. Advertisement(本周热门考题),What do you think are the advantages of and disadvantages of advertisement?

  9. Hometown / where are you living now (持续高频),Why are you coming from? / What attracts you most in your hometown? / Do you think whether your hometown is suitable for young people to live in?

  Part 2 & Part 3

  1.Something you bought (or borrowed)but have never used (or not often used) recently (本周热门考题)

  What products do people buy in China?

  Do young people and old(er) people buy the same kinds of things? What are the advantages and disadvantages of huge shopping malls (or, huge supermarkets/huge department stores)?

  2. A prize you want to win (本周热门考题)

  What are the secret to be successful?

  Do you think that different people have different ideas about success?

  3. A homemade gift for your friend (本周热门考题)

  What kinds of gifts are normally given to people in your country?

  What are the differences between gifts given to boys and girls?

  4. A traffic jam you experienced which was a waste of time(本周热门考题)

  In what ways do modern transportation methods make our lives easier?

  Do you think in your country, the issue of heavy traffic will be solved in the future?

  5. An experience of waiting for someone(本周热门考题)

  Is punctuality a very important habit in your country?

  What do people usually do when they wait for friends?

  6. Describe a positive change in your life. (持续高频)

  Do old people like change?

  What do you think are the benefits and disadvantages (or, pros and cons) of change?

  7. A special thing you took home on holiday (本周热门考题)

  How has the buy habit of Chinese people been changed during the holidays in the past few decades?

  In China, what are the different kinds of local products that attract visitors?

  8. A course you learned at middle school, university or evening class

  Which subject should be taught in school in your country?

  What factors do people consider when they choose a subject?

  9. An old person you respect

  Do old people like change?

  What do you think are the benefits and disadvantages (or, pros and cons) of change?

  10. A sports event you have never been but would like to take part in / a way which is good for health(骨灰级题目):

  Is sport very popular in your country?

  In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?

  11. An event in history that interests you (旧题重现)

  Why do you think people should learn history from their own country?

  Do you think what we learn from all media about our history is true or not?

  12. A future plan/ an ideal job (旧题重现)

  What jobs are popular with young people in your country?

  Do you think there is any difference between males and females when it comes to choosing a future career?
