
2022-05-19 15:34:37


  Passage 1新西兰的木材产业


  Passage 2 利用骷髅还原面部的技术


  Passage 3 对大脑衰退和保持活性的研究







  Short Answer Questions




  题型:M ultiple Choice(多选)


  Short Answer Questions






  题型:M ultiple Choice(多选)


  M ultiple Choice(选支章标题)


  Making Our Minds Last a Lifetime

  Cognitive thera pies, supplements and activities are the key ingredients in keeping thebrain fit and fighting the aging process.

  A While it may not be possible to completely age-proof our brains, a brave newworld of anti-aging research shows that our gray matter may be far more flexiblethan we thought. So no one, no matter how old, has to lose their mind.

  B lt's our most powerful and mysterious organ, the seat of the self, laced with asmany billions of neurons as the galaxy has stars. No wonder the mere notion of anaging, failing brain-and the prospect of memory loss, confusion, and the unravelingof our personality-is so terrifying. As Mark Williams, M.D., author of The AmericanGeriatrics Society's Complete Guide to Aging and Health, says, "The fear of dementiais stronger than the fear of death itself." Yet the degeneration of the brain is far frominevitable. "Its design features are such that it should continue to function for alifetime," says Zaven Khachaturian, Ph.D., director of the Alzheimer's Association'sRonald and Nancy Reagan Research Institute. "There's no reason to expect it todeteriorate with age, even though many of us are living longer lives." In fact,scientists' view of the brain's potential is rapidly changing, according to StanfordUniversity neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky, Ph.D. "Thirty-five years ago we thoughtAlzheimer's disease was a dramatic version of normal aging. Now we realize it's adisease with a distinct pathology. In fact, some people simply don't experience anymental decline, so we've begun to study them." Antonio Damasio, M.D., Ph.D., headof the Department of Neurology at the University of lowa and author of Descartes'Error, concurs. "Older people can continue to have extremely rich and healthy mentallives."

  C The seniors were tested in 1988 and again in 1991. Four factors were found to berelated to their mental fitness: levels of education and physical activity, lung function,and feelings of self-efficacy. "Each of these elements alters the way our brainfunctions," says Marilyn Albert, Ph.D., of Harvard Medical School, and colleaguesfrom Yale, Duke, and Brandeis Universities and the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, whohypothesizes that regular exercise may actually stimulate blood flow to the brain andnerve growth, both of which create more densely branched neurons, rendering theneurons stronger and better able to resist disease. Moderate aerobic exercise,including long brisk walks and frequently climbing stairs, will accom plish this.

  D Education also seems to enhance brain function. People who have challengedthemselves with at least a college education may actually stimulate the neurons intheir brains. Moreover, native intelligence may protect our brains. lt's possible thatsmart people begin life with a greater number of neurons, and therefore have agreater reserve to fall back on if some begin to fail. "If you have a lot of neurons andkeep them busy, you may be able to tolerate more damage to your brain before itshows," says Peter Davies, M.D., of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in theBronx, New York. Early linguistic ability also seems to help our brains later in life. Astudy in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at 93 elderly nuns andexamined the autobiographies they had written 60 years earlier, just as they werejoining a convent. The nuns whose essays were complex and dense with ideasremained sharp into their eighties and nineties.

  E Finally, personality seems to play an important role in protecting our mentalprowess. A sense of self-efficacy may protect our brain, buffering it from the harmfuleffects of stress. According to Albert, there's evidence that elevated levels of stresshormones may harm brain cells and cause the hippocampus-a smallseahorse-shaped organ that's a crucial moderator of memory-to atrophy. A sensethat we can effectively chart our own course in the world may retard the release ofstress hormones and protect us as we age. "It's not a matter of whether youexperience stress or not," Albert concludes, "it's your attitude toward it." Reducingstress by meditating on a regular basis may buffer the brain as well. It also increasesthe activity of the brain's pineal gland, the source of the antioxidant hormonemelatonin, which regulates sleep and may retard the aging process. Studies at theUniversity of Massachusetts Medical Center and the University of Western Ontariofound that people who meditated regula rly had higher levels of melatonin than thosewho took 5-milligram supplements. Another study, conducted jointly by MaharishiInternational University, Harvard University, and the University of Maryland, foundthat seniors who meditated for three months experienced dramatic improvements intheir psychological well-being, compared to their non-meditative peers.F Animal studies confirm that both mental and physical activity boost brain fitness. Atthe Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology in Urbana, Illinois,psychologist William Greenough, Ph.D., let some rats play with a profusion of toys.These rodents developed about 25 percent more connections between their neuronsthan did rats that didn't get any mentally stimulating recreation. In addition, rats thatexercised on a treadmill developed more capillaries in specific parts of their brainsthan did their sedentary counterparts. This increased the blood flow to their brains."Clea rly the message is to do as ma ny different flying as possible," Greenough says.G lt's not just scientists who are catching anti-aging fever. Walk into any health foodstore, and you'II find nutritional formulas-with names like Brainstorm and SmartALEC-that claim to sharpen mental ability. The book Smart Drugs & Nutrients, by

  Ward Dean, M.D., and John Morgenthaler, was self-published in 1990 and has sold over 120,000 copies worldwide. It has also spawned an underground network of people tweaking their own brain chemistry with nutrients and drugs-the latter

  sometimes obtained from Europe and Mexico. Sales of ginkgo-an extract from the

  leaves of the 200-million-year-old ginkgo tree, which has been shown in published

  studies to increase oxygen in the brain and ameliorate symptoms of Alzheimer's

  disease-jumped up by 22 percent within six months in 1996, according to Paddy

  Spence, president of SPINS, a San Francisco-based market research firm. Indeed,

  products that increase and preserve mental performance are a small but emerging

  segment of the supplements industry, says Linda Gilbert, president of Health Focus, a

  company that researches consumer health trends. While neuroscientists like

  Khachaturian liken the use of these products to the superstition of tossing salt over

  your shoulder, the public is nevertheless gobbling up nutrients that promise cognitive


  Questions 28-31

  Choose the Four correct letters among A-G

  Write your answers in the boxes 28-31 0n your answer sheet

  Which of the FOUR situations or conditions assist the Brains' function?

  A Prevention treatment against Alzheimer 's disease

  B Doing active aerobic exercise and frequently climbing stairs

  C High levels of education

  D Early verbal or language competence training

  E Having more supplements such as ginkgo tree

  F Participate in more physical activity involving in stimulating tasks

  G Personality and feelings of self-fulfillment

  Questions 32-39

  Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-G) with opinions or

  deeds below. Write the appropriate Zetters A-G in boxes 32-39 0n vour answer sheet

  NB you rr2ay use any Zetter rr20re than once

  A Zaven Khachaturian

  B William Greenough

  C Marilyn Albert

  D Robert Sapolsky

  E Linda Gilbert

  F Peter Davies

  G Paddy Spence

  32 Alzheimer 's was probably a kind of disease rather than a normal aging process.

  33 Keeping neurons busy, people may be able to endure more harm to your brain.

  34 Regular exercises boost blood flow to the brain and increase anti-disease disability.

  35 Significant increase of Sales of ginkgo has been shown.

  36 More links between their neurons are found among stimulated animals.

  37 Effectiveness of the use if brains supplements products can be of little scientific


  38 Heightened levels if stress may damage brain cells and cause part of brain to


  39 Products that upgrade and preserve mental competence are still a newly developing


  Questions 32-39

  Choose the correct letter among A-D

  Write your answers in the box 40 0n your answer sheet

  According to the passage, what is the most appropriate title for this passage?

  A MaHng our minds last a lifetime

  B Amazing pills of the ginkgo

  C How to stay healthy in your old hood

  D More able a brain and neurons
