
2022-05-19 12:51:54

  1、Fishbourne Roman Palace


  1-3 填空题

  1. Save food for the army.

  2.Surrounded by formal gardens.

  3.Colours are added to mosaic floors.

  4-9 判断题

  4.The Fishbourn Roman Palace was the first building built on the site. (NG)

  5.Research is going on in this area. (T)



  8.Scientists have reached agreement on whom the palace was built for. (F)

  9.The palace was burnt down by local people. (NG)

  10-13 填空题

  10.The first part found was part of a wall.

  11.One of the kings lived there until 93 AD.

  12.His gold ring was found there.

  13.A modern museum was built to protect it.

  2、Mammoth Kill (旧题)


  14-20 填空题

  14. Mammoth inhabited North America some 11000 years ago.

  15. Mammoth died out due to human hunting. (Theory One)

  16. An overkill model was raised.

  17. A deadly disease was introduced by human. (Theory Two)

  18. There is little empirical evidence.

  19. The extinction was caused by considerable climate instability. (Theory Three)

  20. Their habitats were ruined.

  21-26 配对题

  Professor A

  Professor B

  Professor C

  21. Hunting is not the reason why mammoth died out. (A)

  22. The bigger the animals are, the more room they need. (B)

  23. Human was an indirect cause of their extinction. (B)

  24. Climate changes destroyed their habitats. (C)

  25. Calculation estimate of the population could help the control of animal species. (C)

  26. (B)

  3、The Role of Accident in Business


  27-31 判断题

  27. N

  28. Y

  29. Y

  30. NG

  31. NG

  32-35 配对题

  Adam’s book------says a normal business environment is not good for innovation

  Microsoft------use others’ ideas to succeed

  The origin of innovation

  36-40 单选题

  36. 公司应招不同背景的人。

  40. 要在商业中好好利用意外并不容易。

