
2022-06-07 14:40:11


  58.assiduous: desultory/remiss 勤勉的:散漫的/玩忽职守的

  59.assistance: interference 帮助:干涉

  60.audacious: timid /timorous大胆的:胆小的

  注意:intimidating 给人以威慑的,咄咄逼人的

  Although he usually felt comfortable speaking in front of audiences, this particular group was so large and intimidating that he suddenly found himself too__ to__ the topic before them.

  A. impassioned, analyze

  B. timid, discuss

  C. cautious, suppress

  D. knowledgeable, disregard

  E. perceptive, defend


  (2) The toddler was so___ that he often hid behind his mother’s legs when introduced to strangers.

  A. hyper

  B. timid

  C. young

  D. disobedient

  (3) The king’s champion was a__ foe, one whose mighty presence on the field of battle struck fear in the hearts of his prospective adversaries.

  (A) methodical

  (B) rancorous

  (C) timorous

  (D) redoubtable

  (E) questionable

  timorous的典型表现 strike fear

  61.authentic: artificial真的:假的

  (1) Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _______ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.

  A) described B) acknowledged C) overlooked

  D) defended E) authenticated


  62.autonomy: dependence 自治:依赖


  Autonomy: 1) immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political

  2)personal independence 个人经济,意识上的独立

  Withdrawn:socially detached and unresponsive 指社交上不与别人交往的状态

  (1)Considering that many women had little control over their own lives in medieval England, Margery Kempe’s fifteen-century autobiography demonstrates a remarkable degree of___.

  (A) consecration

  (B) rationalism

  (C) autonomy

  (D) effacement

  (E) simplicity

  (2)Once an independent nation, Catalonia is now a region of Spain; nevertheless, it___ a sense of__ because it continues to have its own language and culture.

  (A) surrenders, rebellion

  (B) retains, autonomy

  (C) experiences, privilege

  (D) boasts, arrogance

  (E) suffers, neglect

  (3)Although gregarious by nature, Lisa became quiet and____ after she was unexpectedly laid off from work.

  (A) autonomous

  (B) susceptible

  (C) assertive

  (D) withdrawn

  (E) composed

  Gregarious:social 爱好社交的,正好和withdrawn( socially detached)相对应。

  63.avarice: generosity 贪财的:慷慨的

  Avaricious/miserly/stingy/voracious/greedy/ravenous 贪婪的,吝啬的

  magnanimous/bountiful/generous/open-handed 慷慨的

  voracious 贪吃的

  (1)The bearded dragon lizard is a voracious eater, so___ that it will consume as many insects as possible.

  (A)abstemious (B)cannibalistic (C)slovenly

  (D)insatiable (E) progenitor

  (2)Though a hummingbird weighs less than one ounce, all species of hummingbirds are__ eaters, maintaining very high body temperatures and__ many times their weight in food each day.

  (A) voracious, consuming

  (B) fastidious, discarding

  (C) hasty, locating

  (D) prolific, producing

  (E) delicate, storing

  (3)In contrast to their widespread image as__ carnivores, many species of piranha are vegetarian.

  (A) nomadic

  (B) lugubrious

  (C) voracious

  (D) covetous

  (E) exotic

  64.aversion: court /inclined厌恶:对女性献殷勤

  65.avid: indifferent 热切的◇冷淡的,漠然的

  (1)He was ------ success, painting not for the sake of fame or monetary reward, but for the sheer love of art.

  A. indifferent to B. destined for C. avid for

  D. jaded by E. enamored of

  (2)Usually cool and collected, the coach grew ----- when he saw his best player needlessly injured in the illegal play.





  (3)Famous in her time and then forgotten, the seventeenth-century Dutch painter Judith Leyster was___ obscurity when, in 1993, the Worcester Art Museum organized the first retrospective exhibition of her work.

  A. resigned to (逆来顺受的)

  B. rewarded with

  C. rescued from

  D. indifferent to

  E. worth of

  resigned:showing utter resignation or hopelessness

  66.balm: irritant/piquant 温和的:刺激的

  67.Banal/hackneyed/cliché/trite<> arresting/compelling/attractive original陈腐的:吸引人的

  It is ironic that the____ insights of the great thinkers are voiced so often that they have become mere____.

  (A) original---clichés

  (B) banal---beliefs

  (C) dubious---habits

  (D) philosophical---questions

  (E) abstract---ideas

  68.bankruptcy: solvency 破产:有偿还能力的

  Although it stayed in business for several months, the company was actually__ and met its financial obligations only by engaging in__ activities.

  (A) insolvent, fraudulent

  (B) prudent, speculative

  (C) autonomous, subordinate

  (D) bankrupt, charitable

  (E) stable, manipulative

  69.baroque: austere 结构复杂的:简朴的

  Lavish/sumptuous: austere 奢侈的:简朴的

  (1)Although frugal by nature, on this special occasion he refused to__, but instead feasted his guests__.

  (A) splurge, munificently

  (B) conserve, intangibly

  (C) conserve, lavishly

  (D) temporize, austerely

  (E) cooperate, exorbitantly

  (2)The stoic former general led his civilian life as had his military life, with simplicity and___.

  (A) benevolent (B)informal (C) austere (D) aggressive (E) succinct

  70.barren: prolific 不育的:大量繁殖的


  Having published more than three hundred books in less than fifty years, science fiction writer Issac Asimov may well be the most____ author of our day.

  (A) fastidious

  (B) insecure

  (C) outmoded

  (D) prolific

  (E) indigenous

