
2022-05-25 05:14:17


  although the development of new infrastructure (such public facilities as power plants, schools, and bridges) is usually determined by governmental planning, sometimes this development can be planned more flexible and realistically by private investors who anticipate profit from the collection of user fees…..during the economic boom of the 1980s, for example…the unwillingness of investors to finance this project does not negate the viability of privately financed roads, rather, it illustrates a virtue of private financing.

  the primary purpose of the passage

  (a)build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

  (b)advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

  (c)explain the failure of a privately financed venture

  (d)suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

  (e)argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure

  首先我们需要花1分钟左右来预览这篇小文章。预览的要求很简单,不要陷入我上面提到的3大误区(完美主义、过于追求文章的理解、过于追求文章中长难句的语法分析),考生重点关注的应该是确定信息的层次感,即确定那些信息是主要的文章观点和重要考试逻辑点,那么信息是文中的细节例子等支持性信息。第一句中根据although这个词我们就知道这里是一个让步逻辑,所以这句话应该是重要的逻辑考点。第二句话根据标志词 “for example”考生就应该明确这句话是相对细节例子,所以可以略读或者跳读。第三句话中出现了 “rather”这个词就知道这里有一个明显的转折,那么很有可能这句话是一句作者观点了,下面考生只要预测作者的观点是相对正还是相对负就可以了。后面这句话中有一个明显的 “virtue”, 这个词是美德的意思,那么这里可以解释为优点的意思,所以作者在这里的观点应该是相对为正。所以这句话为作者的主要观点,而对应后面最有可能的题型是应该是目的题。

  下面我们来看一道题,the primary purpose of the passage,这道题是考察的是目的,所以和文章的观点的直接相关,刚才考生其实已经在最后一句话中读到了作者的主要观点virtue为相对正。

  (a)build a case for increasing the development of new infrastructure

  (b)advocate an alternative to government financing of infrastructure

  (c)explain the failure of a privately financed venture

  (d)suggest the types of infrastructure most appropriate for private financing

  (e)argue against government restrictions on developing new infrastructure


  b选项有一个关键词advocate,这个词对应了文中的 “virtue”, 选项中的alternative to government对应了文中的 “private financing”, 因此b是正确答案

  c选项的观点用词是failure, 意思就是绝对反对private financing,这与文中作者观点正好矛盾,所以排除


  e argue against 是反对的意思,与文中作者 “virtue” 相对正向观点矛盾, 另外government restrictions与文中的 “private financing” 不对应,因此不选。

