
2022-05-25 23:54:09


  005. Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders, Joseph Brant lived in two worlds; born into an Iroquois community and instructed in traditional Iroquois ways, he also received an education from English-speaking teachers.

  分析:Like many others of his generation of Native American leaders/, Joseph Brant/ lived in two worlds/; born into an Iroquois community and instructed in traditional Iroquois

  ways/, he also received an education from English-speaking teachers.

  内容:像其他的和他生活在同一时代的美国本地的领导人一样/,Joseph Brant/生活在两个世界里/;出生在 Iroquois 社会中并接受 Iroquois 的传统教育/,他还接受了说英语的教师的教育。


  006. Sales of United States manufactured goods to nonindustrialized countries rose to $167 billion in 1992, an amount that is 14 percent higher than the previous year’s figure and largely offsets weak demand from Europe and Japan.

  分析:Sales of United States manufactured goods/ to nonindustrialized countries/ rose to $167 billion in 1992/, an amount/ that is 14 percent higher than the previous year’s figure/ and largely offsets weak demand /from Europe and Japan.

  内容:美国制造商品的销售/到非工业化国家/增长到了 1670 亿美圆在 1992 年/一个数

  量/比前一年数字高 14%/很大程度上抵消了低需求/在欧洲和日本。



  007.All-terrain vehicles have allowed vacationers to reach many previously inaccessible areas, but they have also been blamed for causing hundreds of deaths and

  thousands of injuries, as well as doing serious damage to the nation’s recreational areas.

  分析:All-terrain vehicles/ have allowed vacationers to reach many previously inaccessible areas/, but they have also been blamed for causing hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries/, as well as doing serious damage/ to

  the nation’s recreational areas.




