
2022-05-21 07:44:15



  原文:  We believe,pehaps unimaginative, that this...


  正确选项是A pedestrian

  这个词本身没有必要讲解,如果你查阅韦氏字典这个单词的解释就是 unimaginative /commonplace

  问题出在,不明确unimaginative 和 unimaginable的差别,是错误选择NOVEL的原因。前者是“没有想象力的”后者是“不可想象的”

  -tive 这个后缀的含义:having a tendency to do, or tending to, 倾向于  unimaginative 在朗文字典的解释比较准确:  lacking the ability to think of new or unusaul ideas, ordinary and boring

  -able 表示能力,所以unimaginable是不可想象的,not imaginable or comprehensible ,too extraordinary or improbable to believe,INCREDIABLE  Synonymsfantastic, implausible, inconceivable, unbelievable, unconvincing, unimaginable, unthinkable Related Wordsdoubtful, dubious, far-fetched, fishy, flimsy, questionable, suspect, unlikely, unreasonable; hopeless, impossible; absurd, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous; indefensible, insupportable, untenable Near Antonymslikely, possible, probable; reasonable
