1 文章没有读懂,如果我文章读懂,这样我做题的速度就快了;
2 练习的少。如果我多刷几套题,我肯定做题速度就上来了。
A single Acanthaster can consume five to six square meters of coral polyps per year, and dense populations can destroy up to six square kilometers per year and move on rapidly. Acanthasters show a preference for branching corals, especially Acroporids. After an outbreak in a particular area, it is common to find that Acroporids have been selectively removed, leaving a mosaic of living and dead corals. In places where Acroporids previously dominated the community devastation can be almost complete, and local areas of reefs have collapsed.
3. What can be inferred from paragraph 2 about a coral reef that has a small number of Acroporids
A It will collapse completely after Acanthaster consumes the Acroporids.
B It will lose the Acroporids before the other corals when Acanthaster attack it.
C It will have a mixture of living and dead Acroporids after an Acanthaster attack.
D It will have a dense population of Acanthaster for several years.
这个文段的意思和简单: 一个Acanthaster每年可以消耗掉5-6平方米的珊瑚幼虫,并且密集的人口每年可以毁坏6平方千米并且他们移动速度很快。Acanthasters展现出对于珊瑚的偏好,尤其是Acroporids。 在一个特殊地区的大爆发之后,很常见的是Acroporids被选择性的移除了,留下一个mosaic生命和死亡的珊瑚。在这些地区,Acroporids之前在这个地区占据主要地位,毁灭是彻底的,并且当地的珊瑚礁都毁坏了。
这段话,大家都能够读懂,很明白。但是很多同学都做不出来这道题目,因为,整段中都没有出现题目中提到的拥有small number 的Acroporids.在原文中找不到。因此,有的同学就会反复的去读这段话,似乎要从这段话中硬生生的去找出来一个small number,进而耽误了做题的时间。