(1)Thus the use of such terms as “craft arts,” “craft skill,” and “craft production” in the context of Chinese production refers to major traditions of highly accomplished technique and organization and should not convey the negative evaluations often implied by distinctions between fine arts and crafts in the modern West. (2)Critical traditions in China do indicate distinctions between literate arts—especially those such as calligraphy, painting, and architecture that acquired an accompanying theoretical, historical, and critical literature—and art forms that depended more on specialized skills and sometimes on laborious or cooperative production. (3)Such distinctions were fluid over time, however, as antique ceramics were prized and inscribed by imperial collectors, ancient ritual bronze vessels attracted the interest of antiquarian scholars, and individual potters, carvers, and metalworkers achieved independent renown.
Which of the following can be inferred from the fact that “antique ceramics were prized and inscribed by imperial collectors, ancient ritual bronze vessels attracted the interest of antiquarian scholars, and individual potters, carvers, and metalworkers achieved independent renown”?
A Art forms that required laborious or cooperative production were considered more valuable than calligraphy, painting, and architecture.
B Art forms did not necessarily have to acquire an accompanying literature to be highly valued.
C Ancient forms of art were more highly valued than modern ones.
D Art forms that depended more on specialized skills acquired an accompanying literature.
调整心情…… 请听分析。
首先,从四个选项的相关信息来看,A选项的“laborious or cooperative production”来自上句(第2句),B选项的“accompanying literature”和D选项的“depended more on specialized skills”以及“accompanying literature”也来自上句(第2句),只有最大干扰项C貌似只从当句出发得出结论。
最大干扰项C,Ancient forms of art were more highly valued than modern ones(古代艺术比现代艺术更有价值),属于常见的“虚假比较”错误。
综合整段信息来看,作者的重心出题点不在于古代艺术和现代艺术的比较,作者的思路是这样展开的:首先(第1句话),中国手工艺品的制作技艺和生产规模达到很高的水平(highly accomplished technique and organization),因此并不是现代西方区别于精美艺术(fine art)的粗制手工艺品(craft);但是(第2句),中国艺术确实存在着文化阶层的艺术(如书法等)和靠工匠手艺的大众阶层艺术的差别;这里的“文化阶层的艺术literate arts”对应着第1句的“精美艺术fine art”,“工匠大众艺术”对应着第1句的“粗制手工艺品craft”,暗含着“文化阶层的艺术被高看、而工匠大众艺术低人一等”的感觉;接着作者思路转到第3句的回马枪,但这种文化阶层的高等艺术和工匠大众阶层的低等艺术之间的地位差别随着时间发生流动变化(fluid,对fluid这个词的理解要到位,流动起伏变化,有高有低,不稳定),因为有些古代陶瓷制品被皇室收藏者推崇和题词(说明此时被高看,地位高,其他时候不是这样),有些古代祭祀青铜器受到考古学者的兴趣(此时被高看,地位高,之前地位不高),以及有些个体工匠靠自身努力最终达到很高名望(此时出自他们之手的工艺品的地位也会提高,之前不高)。
所以,这不是古代艺术和现代艺术的比较,根据阴影信息,不能推出C选项“Ancient forms of art were more highly valued than modern ones(古代艺术比现代艺术更有价值)”。虽然这句话在修饰底层工匠艺术时出现了“antique”和“ancient”这两个和古代有关的形容词,但这不是重点,不能由此断章取义认为这是在说古代艺术更有价值,其实,作者是在说“什么时候底层工匠的艺术品地位会上升”,比如,在受到皇室推崇题词时,受到考古学者兴趣时,以及这个工匠本身最终成名时,况且,这三个并列的最后一个“and metalworkers achieved independent renown(工匠自身努力获得声望)”和“古代艺术”一点关系都没有。
正确答案B选项“Art forms did not necessarily have to acquire an accompanying literature to be highly valued.艺术品不必非得获得与之相关的文字记录而备受推崇/被认为高度有价值。
这需要结合第2、3句前后的综合信息。第2句Critical traditions in China do indicate distinctions between literate arts—especially those such as calligraphy, painting, and architecture that acquired an accompanying theoretical, historical, and critical literature—and art forms that depended more on specialized skills and sometimes on laborious or cooperative production.(中国文化的批判传统中确实隐含着文化阶层的艺术和工匠阶层的艺术之间的差别,其中文化阶层的艺术,尤其是书法、绘画和建筑,它们会获得与之随行相关的理论研究记录、历史记录、和评论分析记录,而工匠阶层的艺术更多依赖工匠们的独门手艺,有时依赖繁重的劳作或大家共同的努力)。第3句前面我们已经分析过,在此不多赘述,即,有时候工匠阶层的艺术品也能受到较高的社会地位。
从这道题目来看,句句长难句,语义抽象,甚至有的考生抱怨连选项都读不大明白(什么叫做accompanying literature),并且句间关系复杂,起承转合,拐点较多,需要紧扣作者思路回应主题,不能断章取义只从一句话、甚至从一句话中某个单词就想当然地认为自己找到了解题的窍门。