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Climate Cycles Could Have Carved Canyonson Mars
The surface of Mars is etched with(蚀刻) ancient river valleys(河谷) and lake basins(湖泊盆地). Which makes researchers think thatliquid water once flowed on the Red Planet. But how? Today, Mars is too coldfor much, if any, liquid water to exist. And 3.8 billion years ago, when theflowing water features(特点) formed, the sun was fainter(模糊) than it is today, making it even harderto imagine a balmy(温和的) Martian climate. That’s why manyresearchers think Mars may have gone in and out of deep freezes.
“The real questions have been: for howlong was it warm, and what was the mechanism(原理、机制) for warming it up.”
James Kasting, a geologist at Penn StateUniversity. He shared his take on the problem at the December meeting of the AmericanGeophysical Union in San Francisco, and in the journal Earth and PlanetaryScience Letters.
Some researchers have suggested thatearly Mars only thawed out(解冻) when large asteroidimpacts(小行星撞击) or volcaniceruptions(火山爆发) temporarily warmed the planet. ButKasting and others think warm windows from such dramatic events would have beentoo brief to carve(塑造) the vast canyons(峡谷) that exist on Mars. Now, Kasting andhis colleagues have come up with an alternative explanation: they think Marsmay have experienced a series of climate cycles(气候变化周期) caused by changes in the strength ofthe greenhouse effect(温室效应).
The idea goes like this: when Mars wascold and frozen, volcanoes continued to belch out(喷出) the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide andhydrogen into the atmosphere. There, the gas blanket(气体覆盖层) trapped heat and warmed the planet upuntil liquid water began to flow, forming Mars’ rivers and lakes. However, warmtemperatures and abundant water would also have sped up certain chemicalreactions that consumed carbon dioxide, reducing the greenhouse effect andcooling the planet back down again. Then the cycle would repeat.
“Which is similar to what the impactpeople have been arguing, except that when it gets warm, it can stay warm formillions of years instead of thousands of years.”
So far, Kasting’s team has only shownthat such an explanation is possible, according to climate models. But theresearchers say NASA’s Curiosity rover and other future Mars missions(任务)could helptest the idea by looking for evidence of multiple warm events, and theirdurations. Perhaps, hidden in the dry Martian dust lie clues to a surprisinglysoggy past.