
2022-06-11 03:50:00


  76.A few art collectors Tames Bowdoin III of Boston,William Byrd of Virginia,and the Aliens

  and Hamiltons of Philadelphia introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to

  visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists.and established in their respective communities the

  idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement.

  (A few art collectors…introduced European art traditions to those colonists…and established…the

  idea…and the need…为句子主干)







  主干:art collectors introduced traditions to those colonists and established in the idea of the value

  of art and the need for institutions


  (1) 几个人名并列:Tames Bowdoin III of Boston,William Byrd of Virginia,and the Aliens

  and Hamiltons of Philadelphia

  (2) 非谓语动词后缀修饰名词:privileged to visit their galleries 修饰 colonists

  devoted to its encouragement 修饰 institutions

  (3) 插入语 ,especially aspiring artists.

  (4) 介词短语修饰谓语动词:in their respective communities 修饰 established

  77.The achievements of the colonial artists,particularly those of Copley,West, and Peale,lent

  credence to the boast that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius and that political

  liberty was congenial to the development of taste——a necessary step before art could assume an

  important role in the new republic.

  (The achievements…lent credence to the boast that…and that…为句子主干,两个 that 引导的两

  个从句都作 boast 的同位语)





  主句:The achievements of the colonial artists lent credence to the boast

  同位语从句 1:that the new nation was capable of encouraging genius

  同位语从句 2:that political liberty was congenial to the development of taste 其中

  “——“引导的从句:a necessary step before art could assume an important role in the new



  插入语:,particularly those of Copley,West, and Peale,

  其中两个同位语从句 1 和 2 由 and 并列在一起,共同修饰主句中的宾语 boast


  插入语修饰 artists

  78.The railroad simultaneously stripped the landscape of the natural resources,made velocity of

  transport and economy of scale necessary parts of industrial production,and carried consumer

  goods to households.

  (and 连接的并列句;strip…of…——剥夺…的…)




  并列句 1:The railroad simultaneously stripped the landscape of the natural resources,

  并列句 2:made velocity of transport and economy of scale necessary parts of industrial


  并列句 3:carried consumer goods to households.

  三个并列句用 and 相连,共同用一个主语 railroad

  79.Moreover,in addition to its being a transportation pathway equipped with a mammoth

  physical plant of tracks signals,crossings,bridges,and junctions,plus telegraph and telephone

  lines, the railroad nurtured factory complexes,coat piles, warehouses,and generating stations,

  forming along its right of way what has aptly been called “the metropolitan corridor” of the

  American landscape.

  (the railroad nurtured factory complexes…为句子主干;what 引导的从句作 forming 的宾语)





  主句:the railroad nurtured factory complexes…..

  从句 1:in addition to its being a transportation pathway

  修饰成分 1:equipped with a mammoth physical plant of tracks signals,crossings,bridges,and

  junctions,plus telegraph and telephone lines,

  修饰成分 2:forming along its right of way

  从句 2:what has aptly been called “the metropolitan corridor” of the American landscape.

  从句 2 修饰修饰成分 2 中的 way

  修饰成分 2 修饰了主句中的宾语 factory complexes…..

  修饰成分 1 修饰了从句 1

  从句 1 修饰主句中的主语 the railroad

  80.The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry,using the reeds,

  grasses,barks,and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes—not

  only trays,containers,and cooking pots,but hats,boats,fish traps,baby carriers,and ceremonial


  (fashion 制作)





  主句:The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry

  从句 1:using the reeds…to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes

  从句 2:they found around them

  从句 3:—not only trays,containers,and cooking pots,but hats,boats,fish traps,baby carriers,

  and ceremonial objects.

  从句 3 修饰从句 1 中的 articles of all sorts and sizes

  从句 2 修饰从句 1 中的 reeds,grasses,barks,and roots

  从句 1 修饰主句整句
