
2022-05-19 12:43:31


  【Arts passages may be on topics such as:】

  -- Architecture

  -- Industrial design/art

  -- City planning

  -- Crafts: weaving, knitting, fabrics, furniture,carving, mosaics, ceramics, etc; folk and tribal art

  -- Cave/rock art

  -- Music and music history

  -- Photography

  -- Literature and authors

  -- Books, newspapers, magazines, journals











  【 Life Science passages may be on topics such as:】

  -- Extinction of or conservation efforts for animals and plants

  -- Fish and other aquatic organisms

  -- Bacteria and other one-celled organisms

  -- Viruses

  -- Medical techniques

  -- Public health

  -- Physiology of sensory organs

  -- Biochemistry

  -- Animal behavior, e.g., migration, food foraging, defensive behavior

  -- Habitats and the adaptation of animals and plants to them

  -- Nutrition and its impact on the body

  -- Animal communication














  【 Physical Science passages may be on topics such as:】

  -- Weather and atmosphere

  -- Oceanography

  -- Glaciers, glacial landforms, ice ages

  -- Deserts and other extreme environments

  -- Pollution, alternative energy, environmental policy

  -- Other planets’ atmospheres

  -- Astronomy and cosmology

  -- Properties of light, optics

  -- Properties of sound

  -- Electromagnetic radiation

  -- Particle physics

  -- Technology of TV, radio, radar

  -- Math

  -- Chemistry of inorganic things

  -- Computer science

  -- Seismology (plate structure, earthquakes,tectonics, continental drift, structure of volcanoes)


















  【Social Science passages may be on topics such as:】

  -- Anthropology of non-industrialized civilizations

  -- Early writing systems

  -- Historical linguistics

  -- Business, management, marketing, accounting

  -- TV/radio as mass communication

  -- Social behavior of groups, community dynamics, communal behavior

  -- Child development

  -- Education

  -- Modern history (including the history of urbanization and industrialization and their economic and social effects)











