
2022-05-29 08:50:20


  TPO24-1 Lake Water

  Paragraph 3

  By whatever means, a lake is constantly gaining water and losing water: its water does not just sit there, or, anyway, not for long. This raises the matter of a lake’s residence time. The residence time is the average length of time that any particular molecule of water remains in the lake, and it is calculated by dividing the volume of water in the lake by the rate at which water leaves the lake. The residence time is an average; the time spent in the lake by a given molecule (if we could follow its fate) would depend on the route it took: it might flow through as part of the fastest, most direct current, or it might circle in a backwater for an indefinitely long time.

  6. According to paragraph 3, which of the following best describes a seepage-dominated lake?

  A. A lake that is fed by streams but still has fluctuating water levels

  B. A lake with a constant water level that has no streams or rivers as inputs

  C. A lake with a stream flowing into it and a stream flowing out of it

  D. A lake that has surface and underground inputs but loses water during dry seasons

  解析:以seepage-dominated lake做关键词定位至第二句或者倒数第二句,都是可以的。第二句说如果underground大的话就是seepage,倒数第二句说如果没有地表水注入的pond依然能维持水量就是seepage-dominated,所以无论定位至哪句话答案都是B。


  paragraph 5

  Residence times vary enormously. They range from a few days for small lakes up to several hundred years for large ones; Lake Tahoe, in California, has a residence time of 700 years. The residence times for the Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190,100,22,2.5, and 6 years. Lake Erie’s is the lowest: although its area is larger than Lake Ontario’ s, its volume is less than one-third as great because it is so shallow-less than 20 meters on average.

  8. According to paragraph 5, Lake Erie's residence time is lower than Lake Ontario's for which of the following


  A. Lake Erie has a larger area than Lake Ontario.

  B. Lake Ontario is shallower than Lake Erie.

  C. Lake Ontario has a greater volume than Lake Erie.

  D. Lake Erie receives less rainfall than Lake Ontario.

  解析;以两个专有名词做关键词定位至最后一句,说E的residence time是最小的,尽管E面积比O大,但volume小,所以正确答案是C,注意不要深挖一层选B,因为shallow是volume少的原因,但它不能直接导致residence time变小。但说实话,个人最初选的是这个答案,后来仔细琢磨下应该是C更对点儿吧,比较直接。A明显不是作者强调的点,D没说


  Paragraph 6

  A given lake’s residence time is by no means a fixed quantity. It depends on the rate at which water enters the lake, and that depends on the rainfall and the evaporation rate. Climatic change (the result of global warming?) is dramatically affecting the residence times of some lakes in northwestern Ontario, Canada. In the period 1970 to 1986, rainfall in the area decreased from 1,000 millimeters to 650 millimeters per annum, while above-average temperatures speeded up the evapotranspiration rate (the rate at which water is lost to the atmosphere through evaporation and the processes of plant life).

  The result has been that the residence time of one of the lakes increased from 5 to 18 years during the study period. The slowing down of water renewal leads to a chain of further consequences; it causes dissolved chemicals to become increasingly concentrated, and this, in turn, has a marked effect on all living things in the lake.

  11. According to paragraph 6, which of the following explains the increase in residence

  northwestern Ontario?

  A. The amount of water flowing into the lakes has increased.

  B. The rate of evaporation has decreased more sharply than the amount of rainfall.

  C. The renewal of the lakes' water has slowed due to changes in climate.

  D. Plants have required less water from the lakes.

  解析:以northwestern Ontario和increase双关键词定位至倒数第二句,但这句话只是说增加,没给出具体的解释,往下看。下一句说slowing down of water renewal会带来一系列后果,也就是前文说的降水减少也好蒸发量增加也罢都属于renewal减慢,所以正确答案是C,其他答案都没说

  【6】给定的湖泊的停留时间绝不是一个确定的值。它取决于水流进湖的速度,而这个速度取决于降雨量和蒸发速度。气候变化(全球变暖的结果?)严重影响着加拿大安大略湖西北部一些湖泊的停留时间。在1970年到1986年间,这个地区的降雨量由每年1 000毫米降到了650毫米,而同时平均温度的上升加快了蒸散率(这个速率指的是水蒸发到大气的速率以及植物生命的过程)。

