1、 A furniture dealer purchased a desk for$150 and then set the selling price equal to the purchase price plus a markupthat was
40 percent of theselling price. If the dealer sold thedesk at the selling price, what was the amount of the dealer's gross profitfrom the purchase and the sale of the desk?
(A) $40
(B) $60
(C) $80
(D) $90
(E) $100
题目翻译:一个家具商花 150 块钱买了一个桌子,然后把价格定为(买进价格+卖价的 40%)。如果这桌子卖出去了,那么这个商人的毛利是多少? 思路点拔:毛利=收入-成本
题目全解:假设卖价为 X,则加价部分为 0.4X,则买进价格=0.6X=150,求出 X=250。毛利=250-150=100。
2、 While working alone at their respective constant rates, computerX processes 240 files in 4hours and computer Y processes 240 files in 8hours. If all files processed by these computers are the same size,how long would it take the two computers, working at the same time and at theirrespective constant rates, to process a total of 240 files?
(A) 2 hr.
(B) 2 hr. 20 min
(C) 2 hr. 40 min
(D) 6 hr.
(E) 6 hr. 20 min
题目翻译:X 处理 240 个文件要 4 个小时,Y 处理 240 个文件要 8个小时。问 X和 Y 同时处理 240 个文件要多久
思路点拔:先算 X和 Y 的速度,再用 240 除以速度之和即可
3、 Circular gears P and Q start rotating atthe same time at constant speeds. Gear P makes 10 revolutions perminute, and gear Q makes 40 revolutions per minute. How many secondsafter the gears start rotating will gear Q have made exactly 6 more revolutionsthan gear P?
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 12
(E) 15
题目翻译: 齿轮 P 每分钟转 10 圈,Q 每分钟转 40 圈,什么时候 Q 能刚好比 P 多转 6圈
思路点拔:速率:P 每秒转 1/6 圈,Q 每秒转 4/6 圈。设时间为 X 秒,X*Vq-X*Vp=6
题目全解:X*4/6-X*1/6=6 X=12