
2022-05-31 02:29:38


  考查的词 选项

  more subtle less noticeable

  distinctive characteristic

  barren unable to sustain life

  dormant inactive

  reinforce support

  exclusively only

  experimental trial

  switch on activate

  intact undamaged

  recycle reuse

  depleted reduced

  vigorous forceful

  undoubtedly certainly

  invoke call on

  premature too early

  aid assist

  enduring lasting

  dismissed rejected

  vital critical

  apparently seemingly

  radical extreme

  eventually in the end

  inducement incentives

  lax careless

  substantial considerable

  dilemma problem

  ultimate fundamental

  peak reach its maximum

  sue take legal action against

  initiate start

  lucrative profitable

  deter stop

  durable long-lasting

  differential uneven

  harness put into use

  exploit takes advantage of

  preclude prevent

  unconsolidated loose

  conventionally customarily

  principal most common

  widely extensively

  enhanced improved

  peculiar to unique to

  exert put forth

  steadily at the same rate over time

  concise brief and to the point

  give rise to produce

  conspicuous clearly visible

  detect discover

  convince persuade

  precise exact

  innumerable countless

  end purpose

  account for expalin

  by and large for the most part

  brew develop

  catastrophic disastrous

  massive huge

  uniform invariable

  considerably greatly

  provided if

  roughly approximately

  replenished resupplied

  prosper spread

  distributed spread

  suspect likely but not certain

  breakthrough advance

  overlap with share space with

  hitherto previously

  utilitarian practical

  hitherto previously

  heighten intensify

  potential possible

  assortment variety

  tactic maneuver

  indefinitely endlessly

  modest simple

  remnants vestige ; remains

  distinction difference

  rapport bond

  vitality energy

  thrill excitement

  unpromising unfavorable

  a wealth of an abundance of

  devoid of lacking in

  diffusion spread

  make do with replace

  makeshift crude, temporary

  menace threaten

  mend repair

  meteoric rapid

  molten melted

  monitor check

  monopolize dominate

  nibble gnaw

  nimbleness agility

  noisy vociferous

  notwithstanding despite

  oncoming approaching

  onset beginning

