Excavating 挖掘 digging
Exceeded 超越 surpassed
Exceed超越,胜出go beyond
Exceptional 异常地,意外地 remarkable 不平常地,显著地
Execute 执行,创造:create
Executing 执行,制造 producing
Exercise 训练,使用 utilize
Exert 引起,导致 cause
Exerted 运用 applied
Exorbitant 丰富的 expensive
Expendable消费品,可以牺牲的 nonessential
Exponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increases
Exposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to
Exposed 暴露 uncovered
Extended 增加,延长:increase
Extolling 高度赞扬praising
Extract 提取,提炼remove
Extracted 提取:removed
Extraordinary 异常的 exceptional
Fabricating 构成,虚构constructing
Factions 部分 sides
Faded from 消失于:disappeared from
Fashion 制造 create
Fatal 致命的 deadly
Fed 吃/放入 put
Fine 细微的 tiny
Finely 微小的 minutely
Fixture 寻常物品 commonplace object
Flamed 燃烧burned
Flattering 赞美 complimentary
Flourished繁荣,昌盛 thrived
Forage 觅食 feed
Forage 觅食 search for food
Foremost 首要的 leading
Formidable 艰难地,令人敬畏的difficult
Fortuitous 偶然的,幸运的lucky
Framed 构造,制定:posed
Framework 框架,结构 structure
Freeing 解除 releasing
Functional 有功能的,有用的usable
Fundamental 基本的:basic
Furnish 供应,提供 provide
Gap 空隙 opening
Generated 产生 cause