But the latest revelation once again raises questions about the White Housevetting process, which has failed to expose problems that have torpedoed several nominees.
在上面的报道中,vetting process 就是指 “审批程序”,也写作vetting procedure。而negative vetting process则是指不反对或不提出修订即属通过的议决程序。In a statement, Judd Gregg said it had become apparent during the vetting process that his appointment would not work.(贾德•格雷格在声明中称在审批程序中可以很明显的看出他不会得到任命)。这项法案必须go through a vetting process(经过审批),很幸运最终survive the vetting process (通过了审批程序)。
Vet在这里的意思是“检审”。Someone should vet this report before it goes out.(这篇报道发表之前应该有人对它进行详查),因此Jim 受命vet a manuscript (检查手稿),并且vet the proposed contract(检查提交的合同)。
Ve t作名词时最常见的意思是“兽医”,此外,。Vet , 通常会在前面加上军种, 例如:He is an Army/Navy vet.。