托福考试分类词汇学习:automobile insurance

2022-06-14 08:04:05


  When we settle claims on waterlogged vehicles, we only pay to clean the engine, as well as change parts, electronic components and interior components.


  上文中的 waterlogged vehicles 就是指“涉水车辆”,waterlogged 多形容被水完全浸透并且出现积水的情形,如:waterlogged farmland(水涝地)。车辆损坏后向保险公司“理赔”可以用make insurance claim 来表示,而保险公司 “赔付” 则是settle claim。

  我们来说说几种常见的 automobile insurance (机动车保险):automobile liability insurance(机动车责任险),third party liability insurance(第三方责任险),automobile physical damage insurance (车损险),mandatory liability insurance for traffic accidents of motor vehicles (交通事故责任强制保险)。在美国,“涉水险”一般包括在comprehensive insurance (综合险)中,除水淹外,该险种还包括由火灾、飓风、盗窃、冰雹、街边砸抢等导致的车辆损坏。
