
2022-06-07 16:19:24


  401. critical =crucial a. 关键的

  402. critical= essential a. 关键的

  403. criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备

  404. crucial= important a. 重要的

  405. crucially= decisively ad. 关键地

  406. crude = unsophisticated adj. 简单的,纯朴的

  407. crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的

  408. cuing = hint/clue n. 线索,暗示

  409. culminate = climax vt. &vi. 到达顶点

  410. culminate in=peak 达到顶点;以…告终

  411. culmination = high point n. 顶点

  412. cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的

  413. cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的

  414. cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的

  415. curb= control v. 控制;遏止

  416. current =present a. 现在的

  417. cushioned=protect 保护

  418. dam= block v. 筑坝;控制

  419. dangle= hang v. 悬摆;吊

  420. daring =bold a. 大胆的

  421. debate= argue v. 辩论;争论

  422. decimate= destroy v. 大量毁灭

  423. decimation= destruction n. 大量毁灭

  424. decorating = ornamental adj. 装饰的, 美化的

  425. deficient=inadequate adj,不足的

  426. deflect = redirect vt. 改变方向

  427. degree =extent n. 程度

  428. degree= measure n. 程度

  429. delicate= dainty a. 易碎的;精美的

  430. delight= please v. 使高兴

  431. delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快

  432. deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的

  433. demand= need n. 需要;需求

  434. demise =extinction n. 死亡

  435. demography= population n. 人口统计

  436. dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的

  437. dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的

  438. depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠

  439. dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的

  440. depict= describe v. 描述

  441. depict= portray v. 描写;描绘

  442. deplete=exhaust vt. 耗尽,用尽

  443. depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽

  444. deposit =accumulate v. 沉积

  445. deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置

  446. derive= arise v. 源于;导出

  447. desiccated=dry adj. 干的

  448. design =create v. 设计

  449. designate = assign vt. 指派,指定

  450. designate= identify v. 命名;指定

  451. designation = identification n. 称号,名字

  452. despite= even though 尽管

  453. detected=identified vt.认出,识别

  454. determine=figure out vt. 决定;判决

  455. detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者

  456. detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的

  457. deviate= digress v. 偏离

  458. deviation= departure n. 背离

  459. devise= create v. 设计;发明

  460. devoid of = short of 缺乏…

  461. devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的

  462. devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的

  463. devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的

  464. devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的

  465. devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的

  466. devour = eat vt. 吞食

  467. dictate= determine v. 口授;命令

  468. dictate= order v. 命令

  469. differential = uneven adj. 不一致的, 有差别的

  470. differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的

  471. diffuse = disperse/ spread out vi.& vt. 散开,扩散

  472. diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布

  473. diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布

  474. dilemma=problem n. 困境;进退两难

  475. diligent= careful a. 勤奋的

  476. diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地

  477. dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱

  478. dim= decrease v. 变暗淡

  479. dim=weak adj.暗淡的,弱的

  480. dimension=aspect n. [数] 维;尺寸;次元

  481. dimension=size n.尺寸

  482. disassemble =break up v. 拆开

  483. disassemble= break apart v. 拆开

  484. disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散

  485. discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃

  486. discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃

  487. discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的

  488. discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的

  489. discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的

  490. discharge= release v. 释放

  491. discipline = punish vt. 处罚

  492. discrete=separate adj.分开的

  493. disentangle =disband v. 解开

  494. disguise = hidden 隐藏,掩饰

  495. disgust= distaste v. 厌恶

  496. disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂

  497. disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂

  498. disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂

  499. dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除

  500. dismiss = reject vt. 拒绝掉
