托福考试分类词汇学习:可怕的ghost work

2022-06-03 15:54:13


  自从经济危机在美国开始以来,各大公司裁员的消息一直不断。被裁的员工失去了工作,侥幸留下来的也还得谨小慎微地行事,生怕成为下一拨离开的人。我们都知道公司里每个人的岗位和工作内容都是有所区别的,那些被裁的员工走了以后,他们原本负责的工作就需要留下的同事接手,这些工作在英语里就被叫做ghost work。

  Ghost work refers to the work that used to be done by the former employees and that must now be handled by the remaining staff after a round of layoffs or firings.

  Ghost work指经过一轮裁员之后,被裁员工之前从事的、需要留下的员工接手的工作。

  Inevitably, the bosses have to ask their employees to do not only their regular jobs but also the work of axed colleagues — and without additional pay. The result is that no one gets the training needed to do this "ghost work".

