
2022-05-19 19:28:24


  ject,jac = to throw

  join,junct = to join

  journ = day

  jud = to judge

  jur = to swear

  just,juris = law,right

  labor = to work

  laps = to slip,to glide

  late = to bring,to bear

  later = side

  lav,lau = to wash

  lax,lyse = to loosen

  lect,leg = to choose.to gather,to read

  leg = to appoint,to send

  leg = law

  lev = to raise,light

  liber = free

  libr,lib = book

  lic = to be permitted

  lig = to bind

  lingu = tongue,language

  liqu = fluid

  liter = letter

  loc = place

  log,loqu,locut = to speak

  long = long

  lud = to play

  lumin = light

  lust,luc = bright

  magn,maj,max = great

  man,manu = hand

  mand,mend = to order,to entrust

  mari = sea

  mark = to mark,boundary

  matr = mother

  mechan = machine

  med = to heal

  medi = middle

  melan = black

  memor = to remember

  ment = to think,mind

  merc = to trade,reward

  merge,mers = to sink,to dip

  meter = to measure

  migr = to remove,to wander

  milit = soldier,to fight

  min = small

  mir = to wander,to behold

  miss,mit = to send,to throw

  mix = to mix

  mod = manner

  mon = to advise, to remind

  monstr = to show

  mor = custom

  morph = form

  mort = death

  mount = mountain,to ascend

  mov,mob,mot = to move

  muni = service

  mur = wall

  mut = to change

  myst = mystery

  nat = born

  nau,nav = ship

  necro = death,dead

  nect,nex = to bind

  neg = to deny

  neur,neuro,nerv = nerve

  neutr = neither

  nihil = nothing

  noc,nox = to harm

  noct,nox = night

  nomin,nom = name

  norm = rule,norm

  not = to mark

  nounce,nunci = to report

  nov = new

  nul,null = nothing

  number,numer = number,to count

  nutri = to nourish

  ocul = eye

  onym = name

  oper = to work,work

  opt = to wish

  opt,opto = eye,sight

  ora = to speak,to pray

  order,ordin = order

  ori = to rise,to begin

  orn = to decorate,to furnish

  ortho = straight,right

  oss,osteo = bone

  pact = to agree,to fasten

  pan = bread

  par = to prepare

  par = equal

  par = to appear

  par = to bear,to give birth to

  part = a part,to part

  pass = to pass

  passi,pati,path = to suffer,feelings

  patr = father

  ped = foot

  ped = child

  pel,puls = to drive

  pen,pun = to punish

  pend,pens = to hang,to weigh

  peri = to go through

  pet = to fly,to seek

  petr,petro = stone,rock

  phan,fan = appearance

  phe = to speak

  phon = sound,

  photo = light

  pict = to paint,picture

  plac,pleas = to please

  plain,plaint = to beat the breast

  plant = to plant,plant

  plaud,plode = to strike,to clap

  plen,plete,ple,pli,ply = to fill,full

  plore = to flow out

  ply,pli,ple = to fold

  polis = city

  polit,poli = state

  pon,pound = to put

  popul,publ = people

  port = to carry

  port = gate

  pos = to place,to put

  potent = powerful

  prec = to pray

  preci = price

  preda = prey,to plunder

  press = to press

  prim,prin,prem = first

  pris,prehend = to seize

  priv = private,to deprive

  proach,proxim = near

  prob,prov = to test,to try,to examine

  proper,propri = proper,one’s own

  psych,psycho = soul

  pugn = to fight

  punct = to prick

  pur = pure

  purg = to purify

  pute = to think

  quer = to complain

  qui,quiet = calm,rest

  quire,quisit,quest = to seek

  quit = to free,to release

  rad,ras = to to scrape

  radi = root

  radi = ray

  rap,rav = to snatch

  rat,ratio = to reckon,reason

  rect = right,straight

  reg = to rule,king

  rept = to creep

  rid,ris = to laugh

  rod,ros = to gnaw

  rog = to ask
