Hampered by lean budgets and growing responsibilities, federal land management agencies have struggled in recent years to keep up with the rising popularity ofoff-highway vehicle use on public land, congressional investigators said in a report.
(美国) 国会调查人员在一份报告中表示,由于预算紧缩及职责增加等原因,联邦土地管理局近年来一直在跟进公共陆地上使用非公路用车数量增多的状况,但是过程很艰难。
在上面的报道中,off-highway vehicle 就是“非公路用车”,简写为OHV,也有很多人称之为“越野车”,其实这个说法不是太准确。从词本身的组合就不难看出,off-highway vehicle 就是一般不在公路上行驶的机动车,因为这种车辆经常都有大轮子,而且车身较重,所以一般适合在野外行驶。
Off-highway vehicle 是 all terrain vehicles (ATVs)(全地形车), off-highway motorcycles (OHMs)(越野摩托车), 以及 off-road vehicles (ORVs)such as 4x4 trucks or Jeep s(四轮卡车或吉普车之类的越野车)的统称,而像tractor(拖拉机), forklift (铲车/叉架起货机), crane(起重机), backhoe (锄耕机), bulldozer(推土机)和 Golf cart(高尔夫球车)等特定用途的车辆也在OHV之列。