Maverick Inspection Spectacular Conspicuous Prospect Spectacle Snoot Adamant Adam ant Ancillary
A cascade of Cascade rage A spate of Spate Abnormally Accelerate Acceleration Celerity Decelerate Acceleration Access Have access to
He is within easy access. Accessible Accomplished
An accomplished person Accord with In accord with
Account for
What he said are account for his action. Acupuncture Adapt
Adapt oneself to Adjudication Judicial
Adjudication of company Administration Administration Clinton administration Adopt Option Adoption Advent
With the advent of -- Adversary Adversely
Adversely influence development of sth. Advocate Aerial Aerial plane Aerial current Aerodynamic Dynamic Dynamo Afflict Affluence Aggregate Gregarious animal
Aggregate V. Aggregation Airborne
The fly is airborne when it winds. Akin to Kin
Cat is akin to tiger. Algae Alignment Alignment In alignment with All the more .. because
You are all the more beautiful because I am ugly. Allegation Assert Allege Claim Allegation Allege Alliance Ally Allocate Locale Locale motive Locale motion Allocation Altruism Amass Mass Ambiguity
asshole At one stroke
He make a big amount of money at one stroke in stock market. At times At whim
The stock market is always at whim. Attribute to
You success is attributed to you hard work. Auction Auditor Austere Austere Autonomy
Xinjiang autonomous region Ban
Sth. Was banned Bar Bar Disbar Barrier Basin Basin Be subject to Be subjected to Subject Beckon
She beckons me forward. Beneficial Beneficiary Beneficiary
Biased Bidder Bid Over bid Under bid Bids Biosphere Bizarre
He seemed bizarre today. Quaint Blueprint Boom
Baby boom period Breed Crossbreeding Brutal Buoyant Buoy Buttress Buttress By no means By all means Bypass Bypass difficulty Bypass question Call off
Call off appointment Call things to a halt Capacity
He has capacity to do that.