
2022-05-28 14:49:58


  Wisdom -- zest The healing service It was an odd assortment of people,


  But they had all come full of zest to be healed. Healed from pain, healed from hurt, and healed from loneliness.

  但他们都饶有兴趣地 到这里来, 接受康复治疗.从病痛中康复, 从创伤中康复, 从寂寞中康复.

  Others had come just to worship and witness the supernatural. One youngster came forward who yelped whenever someone touched him.

  其他人来这里只是为了 崇拜和目睹超自然力量有个小伙子走了上来, 只要别人一碰他, 他就会叫喊起来.

  The speaker touched him and he fainted. An older man, obviously wrecked physically from a life of woe and sorrow,

  演讲者摸了他一下, 他就晕倒了.一位老者显然因为生活 的不幸与痛苦, 身体受到了损害,

  Came forward weeping. He withered under the speaker's gaze.

  他哭泣着上前来.在演讲者的注视下, 他有些惶恐不安.

  X-rays later showed that his cancer had disappeared. Following him,

  后来x光显示他的 癌细胞已经消失了.在他之后,

  A young man confessed an addiction to x-rated movies and pornography. The speaker prayed for him and he proclaimed cleansing.

  一个年轻人坦白自己 对x级影片和 色情描写有瘾, 演讲者为他祈祷, 他宣布得到了净化.

  Then a man came forward with his wife. He was a workaholic add her womb was barren.

  接着一个男人和 他的妻子走了上来.他是个工作狂, 而她的子宫一直不育.

  They yearned to have a baby and a new life. When they yielded to the wisdom of the speaker,

  他们渴望有个小孩, 渴望一种新的生活.他们相信了演讲者 的智慧,

  News would return two months later That the man had found a job with a lighter workload and that she was pregnant.

  两个月后就会有 消息传来, 男人找到了一份工作 负担不那么重的工作, 妻子则怀孕了.

  When a woman stood up and yelled that the speaker was a hoax, Several people thought that he would withdraw.

  一个女人站起来, 大喊这个演讲者 是个骗子.有几个人想他 可能会退缩,

  Instead he asked her to come forward. She explained how yoga was the true way to find healing.

  可演讲者反而把 她叫上前来.她解释说, 练习瑜伽 才真的能使人康复.

  The speaker agreed that good health and exercise were important, But his wording, filled with love, touched the woman

  演讲者同意好的 身体和锻炼都很重要.可他那充满爱的措辞 打动了这位女性,

  And she could not withstand the burden anymore: She declared in a wretched voice that yoga wasn't the answer either.

  她再也承受不了 这种负担:她用可怜的声音宣布, 瑜伽也不是解决 问题的办法.

  The speaker wrapped his arms around her and she burst into tears. As the evening went on and others tried to wrangle with the speaker,

  演讲者用手抱住她, 她痛哭起来.夜越来越深了, 其他人也试着和 演讲者辩论一番,

  Each fell to the wrapping of God's arms around them via the speaker. The zeal of the witnesses grew and it was a glorious evening!

  但每个人最后都通过 这个演讲者投入了 上帝的怀抱.目击者的热情越来越高 这个夜晚真是太棒了!

