1000 Common SAT Words以W至Z开头SAT词汇整理.

2022-05-26 09:08:21

   1000 Common SAT Words以W至Z开头SAT词汇整理.!为了方便大家备考,小编会不断为大家更新词汇资料,之后也会为大家整理和汇总词汇资料,方便各位考生在备考期间使用,下面小编为大家整理了1000 Common SAT Words以W至Z开头SAT词汇,供大家学习。

  wallow (v.) to roll oneself indolently; to become or remain helpless (My roommate

  can’t get over her breakup with her boyfriend and now just wallows in self-pity.)

  wane (v.) to decrease in size, dwindle (Don’t be so afraid of his wrath because his

  influence with the president is already beginning to wane.)

  wanton (adj.) undisciplined, lewd, lustful (Vicky’s wanton demeanor often made the

  frat guys next door very excited.)

  whimsical (adj.) fanciful, full of whims (The whimsical little girl liked to pretend that

  she was an elvin princess.)

  wily (adj.) crafty, sly (Though they were not the strongest of the Thundercats, wily Kit

  and Kat were definitely the most clever and full of tricks.)

  winsome (adj.) charming, pleasing (After such a long, frustrating day, I was grateful for

  Chris’s winsome attitude and childish naivete.)

  wistful (adj.) full of yearning; musingly sad (Since her pet rabbit died, Edda missed it

  terribly and sat around wistful all day long.)

  wizened (adj.) dry, shrunken, wrinkled (Agatha’s grandmother, Stephanie, had the

  most wizened countenance, full of leathery wrinkles.)

  wrath (n.) vengeful anger, punishment (Did you really want to incur her wrath when

  she is known for inflicting the worst punishments legally possible?)


  yoke (v.) to join, link (We yoked together the logs by tying a string around them.)


  zealous (adj.) fervent, filled with eagerness in pursuit of something (If he were any

  more zealous about getting his promotion, he’d practically live at the office.)

  zenith (n.) the highest point, culminating point (I was too nice to tell Nelly that she had

  reached the absolute zenith of her career with that one hit of hers.)

  zephyr (n.) a gentle breeze (If not for the zephyrs that were blowing and cooling us, our

  room would’ve been unbearably hot.)
