
2022-05-25 02:18:38


  The addition of descriptive details to the basic information serves to ------- the book by producing a fuller account.

  (A) invalidate

  (B) objectify

  (C) incite

  (D) celebrate

  (E) enrich


  解析:To "enrich" something is to expand or enhance it. Choice (E) is correct because adding "descriptive details" to "basic information" would enrich a book. This interpretation is reinforced by the conclusion of the sentence, which refers to "a fuller account" as a result of the addition.


  The notoriously temperamental American actor Edwin Forrest was known for his ------- both on stage and off.

  (A) apologies

  (B) musings

  (C) inequities

  (D) histrionics

  (E) philosophies


  解析:The term “histrionics” in this context refers to Forrest’s theatrical performances as well as to the emotional outbursts that likely accompanied his temper.


  Ramona had never visited Niagara Falls, but she could appreciate their splendor ------- through the descriptions of others.

  (A) vicariously

  (B) heedlessly

  (C) innocuously

  (D) mystically

  (E) voluminously


  解析:Ramona hadn’t visited Niagara Falls but "could appreciate their splendor," so the word that fills the blank must be an adverb whose definition has to do with appreciating something indirectly, "through the descriptions of others" (based on their experiences). Choice (A) is correct because to experience something "vicariously" is to experience it through imaginative participation in the actual experience of someone else.


  Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is surprisingly ------- , capable of distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.

  (A) rigid

  (B) inert

  (C) erratic

  (D) keen

  (E) innate


  解析:One of the meanings of “keen” is “acutely sensitive.” Therefore, if our sense of smell is keen or acutely sensitive, it is capable of “distinguishing thousands of chemical odors.”


  The novel's protagonist, a pearl diver, naïvely expects that the buyers will compete among themselves to pay him the best price for his pearl, but instead they ------- to ------- him.

  (A) venture . . reward

  (B) pretend . . praise

  (C) conspire . . reimburse

  (D) refuse . . cheat

  (E) collude . . swindle


  解析:The sentence states that the pearl diver expected one kind of behavior from the buyers, but instead they behaved in a different way. Since the pearl diver expected the buyers to "compete among themselves to pay him the best price," the correct answer must be two words that make the last clause describe an opposite situation. Choice (E) is the best answer: Instead of competing to pay the pearl diver the best price, the buyers colluded (or plotted) to "swindle" him.


  Until Florence Nightingale made nursing ------- , it was considered a ------- profession.

  (A) scientific . . painstaking

  (B) essential . . dangerous

  (C) noble . . lofty

  (D) patriotic . . worthy

  (E) respectable . . degrading


  解析:“Respectable” and “degrading” most clearly convey a distinct change in the image of nursing: though nursing was first considered degrading, Florence Nightingale's accomplishments made it respectable.  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.


  It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ------- through the centuries from such ------- and rudimentary apparatus.

  (A) developed . . an intricate

  (B) resulted . . a complicated

  (C) evolved . . a quaint

  (D) degenerated . . an obsolescent

  (E) differed . . an exotic


  解析:The phrase “through the centuries” suggests that the first missing term will describe how the “sophisticated piece of technology” developed over a period of time. The word “such” indicates that the second missing term will contrast with “sophisticated.” Only “evolved . . a quaint” satisfies both requirements.


  The research is so ------- that it leaves no part of the issue unexamined.

  (A) comprehensive

  (B) rewarding

  (C) sporadic

  (D) economical

  (E) problematical


  解析:Try filling in the blank without reading the answer choices. What kinds of words would fit? Words like complete, thorough, or extensive could all fit. Now look at the answer choices. “Comprehensive” is very similar to the words suggested, and none of the other choices fits at all.


  The senator chose to incur dislike rather than ------- her principles to win favor with the public.

  (A) gratify

  (B) endorse

  (C) accuse

  (D) compromise

  (E) advertise


  解析:This very principled politician would rather be unpopular than compromise, or accept changes in, her ideals.


  In her review of a recent novel, the book reviewer insisted on discussing details of the author’s life, in open ------- the current trend in criticism, which eschews any consideration of biographical matters.

  (A) fixation on

  (B) defiance of

  (C) deference to

  (D) incitement of

  (E) collusion with


  解析:Choice (B) is correct. Since the reviewer is openly favoring the discussion of “details of the author’s life,” or “biographical matters,” she is clearly “in open defiance of” current practice, which “eschews,” or shuns, speaking of such things.
