
2022-05-22 12:46:02



  aberration anomaly, deviation from standard, irregularity, atypical

  abrogate do away with

  abstemious sparing, moderate (in eating, drinking)

  abstruse (recondite) concealed, deep, difficult to comprehend

  accolade award, honor, high praise

  accretion accumulation, enlargement, growth

  adroitly skillfully

  adulate admire excessively/slavishly, flatter

  alacrity eagerness, readiness

  alias assumed

  allocate distribute, designate

  allusion indirect reference to something else, hint (in literature)

  ameliorate improve

  amenable agreeable

  arbiter one who arbitrates/decides, judge

  ardor fervor, enthusiasm

  assuage lessen the intensity of something

  audacious bold, fearless

  audacity (impertinence) boldness, reckless daring

  auspicious (propitious) prosperous, favorable

  aver prove truth of, state it is true

  badger harass/annoy continuously, bait

  baleful hurtful, malignant, sorrowful

  beget bringsintosbeing, cause to exist

  bereave deprive, leave desolate (through death)

  brazenly boldly

  brook tolerate

  burnish polish

  cacophony harsh sounding mixture of sounds

  cajole deceptively persuade someone to do something he/she

  declines to

  candid (candor) free from prejudice/bias/malice, honest, fair

  capricious unpredictable, momentarily changeable

  chary cautious

  circumlocution indirect expression, use of wordy/evasive language

  coda distinct passage concluding a composition

  cogent powerful

  cognizant perceptive, observant

  compliant yielding, submissive

  composure ease

  conciliatory peace making

  conjoin join together





