一些 a range of ;a variety of ;a series of ;an array of
无数 innumerable ;countless
许多 plenty of ;many ;much ;a great deal of ;a lot of ;ample
非常多(大)的 tremendous
依序列举 list in sequence
过时的 outdated ;antiquated ;outmoded ;obsolete ;anachronistic
短暂的 ephemeral ;transitory ;transient ;short-lived
不合时宜的 anachronism
可持久的 durable ;able to stand wear ;last a long time
一再 time after time ;again and again
初始的 preliminary
前述的 aforementioned ;aforesaid ;former
自古到今 from ancient times to the present day ;down through the ages
年轻人 young people ;youngster ;youth ;young adult
老式的 old-fashioned ;out of date ;dated
偶尔 from time to time ;now and then ;once in a while ;at times
想法 frame of mind;mind set;the way one is thinking
想出 come up with
找出 come up with;find out
利用 use;take advantage of
夸耀 brag about;boast about;show off;speak too highly of
照顾 take care of;take charge of;attend to;watch over
对…很了解 have a deep knowledge of…
对抗权威 stand up against authority;resisit boldly the authority
对…有信心 have confidence in
说清楚 articulate;verbalize;put in words;utter
接受…之美意 embrace the offer of…
累积 amass;accumulate;heap up;assemble
连系 tact;get in touch with;contact with
排除这可能性 rule out the possibility
等于 is equivalent to;equal
选择 choose;elect;opt for;pick;single out
发出 deliver;give out;hand over
绕路 detour;take a detour;take a roundabout way