harsh 粗糙的,不具有美感的:coarse rough disagreeable sense;严厉的:exacting
hasten 促进:speed-up, accelerate
hasty 轻率的:superficial excessive or careless speed
haunt 常去拜访:frequent;不断地想起,萦绕心头:obsess
hauteur 傲慢,自大:arrogance
haven 安全的地方:place of safety
havoc 大混乱:out of order;大范围破坏:nonexistent unsound or useless
headlong 鲁莽的:without deliberation
hearken 倾听,关注:attention
hearten 给予鼓励,鼓舞:give strength courage, encourage
heartrending 令人心碎的:sorrow distress
hedonism 享乐主义:doctrine pleasure
hegemony 霸权,统治权:preponderant authority
heinous 可憎的,十恶不赦的:hatefully
hew 遵守:confirm, hold to something firmly;支持:steadfast support
herald 告知,宣布:make known;预示,预兆:indication of beforehand
heresy 异教,和普遍观点相悖的说话:controversial or unorthodox opinion
heretical 异教的,异端邪说的:departure standards
hermetic 深奥的:abstruseness
hesitance 犹豫,不情愿:hesitant, reluctant
heterodox 非正统的,异端的:unorthodox opinions
hidebound 死板的,极度保守的:tending to favor
hideous 非常丑陋的:ugly
hie 匆匆忙忙:hasten
hike (使)上涨:rise up to a higher place or position
hilarious 非常好笑的:extremely funny
histrionic 戏剧的,演员的:relating to actors
hive 忙碌之地:activity;储备,积累:store up
hoard 贮藏,秘藏:keep hidden
hoary 极老的:extremely old
hoax 欺骗:cause to believe untrue
hodgepodge 大杂烩:mixture dissimilar
homage 尊敬,敬意:respect
homely 其貌不扬的,朴素简单的:not attractive
homily 冗长乏味的道德演讲或训诫:admonition
homogenize 使统一化:make agree single established standard
hone 磨快:sharpen
hoodwink 欺骗:deceptive
hortative 鼓励的:exhortation
hovel 茅屋:small wretched dirty
hubris 狂妄自大:exaggerated pride, self-confidence
humble 谦逊的:meekness, modesty;顺从的,谦卑的:humility or unseemly submissiveness
humility 谦卑,谦逊:absence of any feeling s better
humor 幽默,令人发笑的事物:comical or amusing;迎合,迁就:comply with
hurricane 飓风:a violent rotating storm;飓风般的事物,引起动荡的事物:resembling a hurricane
husband 节俭,勤俭持家:use economically
husk (果类或谷物的)外壳:outer covering;剥去:remove
husky (尤指声音)沙哑的,粗糙的:rough;高大威猛的:muscular
hybrid 杂交品种,混合品种:mixed origin;杂交的:parents of different races
hymn 赞歌,赞美诗:song of praise;赞美:proclaim the glory
hyperbole 夸张:exaggeration used for emphasis
hypnotic 催眠的:cause sleep
hypocritical 虚伪的:not being what one appears to be
iconoclast 特立独行的人:not conform accepted standards
idolatrize (通常盲目)崇拜:admires intensely
idyll 无忧无虑的生活:carefree episode
ignite 点燃:set fire to;激起,唤起(感情):arouse the passions
ignominy 耻辱:lost the esteem
illiteracy 文盲:unable to read and write
illuminati 智者:enlightened;精英:best of a class
illuminate 照明:make shining;阐明:make plain;启迪,启发:spiritual understanding
illusory 幻觉的,虚幻的:illusion
imbibe 喝水,摄取水分:take in liquid
imbroglio 困境,复杂的局面:complicated situation;纷争:angry expression of differing opinions
imitation 仿制品:like something else
immaculate 干净的,纯净的:free from dirt;完美的,没有任何错误的:without fault
immanent 内在的:innermost
immaterial 非实体的:not composed of matter;无关的,不重要的:no relevance
immature 未完全发展的,未发育成熟的:lacking complete growth;(思维、举止)不够成熟的:lacking maturity
immemorial 古老的:from the distant past
immune 不易被感染的,有免疫力的:having resistance to infection;不受影响的:not affected by influence;不受约束的,免除的:not subject to an obligation
immure 监禁,禁闭;使闭门不出:confine
immutable 不可变的:not capable of changing
impassive 冷漠的,无感情的:no sign of feeling
impeccable 无罪的:free from sin;无暇的,无可挑剔的:free from fault
impecunious 贫穷的:no money
impede 妨碍,阻碍:slow the progress of
impending 即将发生的:soon to take place
impenetrable 不可渗透的,不可穿透的:impossible to get through;难以理解的:incapable of being comprehended
impenitent 不悔悟的:not regretful
imperative 命令:must be obeyed;命令的,强制性的:forcing one’s compliance;迫切的:needing immediate attention;必要的:impossible to do without
imperial 帝国的,帝王的:empire;巨大的,令人惊叹的:impressive in size
imperious 爱发号施令的:ordering people;傲慢的,专横呃:arrogantly domineering;迫切的:compelling
impertinent 无关紧要的:not having relevance;粗鲁无礼的,大胆的:insolent rudeness;不守礼节的,不为他人着想的:lack of manners
imperturbable 沉着冷静的,淡定的:extreme calm
impervious 不可渗透的,不可穿透的:not allowing entrance;不能被破坏的:not capable of being damaged;不为所动的:not capable of being affected
impetuous 冲动的,性急的,轻率的:impulsive vehemence;剧烈的,猛烈的:violence of movement
impious 不敬神的:lacking reverence
implacable 固执的:sticking to an opinion;无法平息的:not capable of being appeased
implement 工具:device;执行,实施:carry out
implode (使)剧烈收缩,(使)坍塌,(使)内爆:collapse inward
imposing 恳求,迫切请求:urgent manner
importune 宏伟壮丽的:impressive
impostor 冒充者:assumes false identity
impotent 无生育能力的:unable to produce fruit;无力的,无能的:lacking in power
imprecise 不精确的:not precise
impromptu 即席的表演:done extemporaneously;即席的,即兴的:without previous preparation
improvise 即兴而作:perform with little or no preparation
imprudent 不明智的:lacking good judgment
impudent 放肆大胆的,无礼的:boldness or disregard