
2022-06-11 11:01:05


  liberal 思想前卫的:not bound;慷慨的,大方的:generosity

  libertine 放荡不羁者:without moral restraint

  licentious 放荡的,性欲强的:lacking restraints

  liken 显示相似,把…比作:show as similar

  limber 可塑的,柔软的:flexible

  limp 柔软的,松散的:lacking firm;软弱的,没有精神的:lacking strength;跛行,艰难地行走:haltingly or unsteadily

  limpid 透明清澈的:transparent clearness;镇定的,淡定的:free from agitation

  linger 磨蹭,闲荡:proceed slowly

  lissome 柔软的:easily bent;敏捷的,轻盈的:move with ease

  list (使)倾斜:at an angle

  lithe 敏捷的,轻盈的:grace;柔软的:easily bent

  loath 不情愿的,讨厌的:reluctant

  loathe 厌恶:dislike

  lofty 崇高的:elevated;高的:rising;自大的:superiority

  loll 懒洋洋地行动:lazy;偷懒,打发时间:doing nothing

  lopsided 歪的,倾斜的:leaning;不平衡的,不协调的:lacking in balance

  loquacious 话多的:excessive talk

  loutish 粗鲁的:awkward, stupid and boorish

  lubricate 使润滑:reduce friction

  lucid 有光亮的:suffused with light;神志清楚的:full use of one’s mind;表达清晰的,简单易懂的:easily understood

  lug  拖动,拉动:cause to follow;费力搬运:laboriously

  lugubrious (故作夸张的)悲哀的:mournful

  lull 相对平静时期,间隙:momentary halt;使镇静,使安心:free from distress

  lullaby 催眠曲:song lull sleep;使镇静,使安心:free from distress

  lumber 木材:tree logs;笨拙地行动:clumsiness;使负担(从而拖累):burden

  luminary 杰出人物:eminence

  lurch 蹒跚:swaying

  lurk 潜伏:lie in wait

  lush 茂盛呃:vigorously;多产的:producing abundantly;(声音、味道)优美的,令人愉悦的:appealing

  lustrous 有光泽的:shiny

  luxurious 豪华的:wealth and comfort;奢侈的:excessive gratification

  lyric (可以哼唱的)小曲:musical composition;如诗歌般流畅优美的:suggestive of poetry or music

  macabre 恐怖的:horror of death

  macerate 浸泡(以软化):soaking or steeping

  maculate 使有斑点,弄脏;玷污,损坏:spot

  maelstrom 漩涡:violent whirlpool;混乱、动荡的局势:turbulent

  magnificent 壮丽的:strikingly impressive

  maladroit 笨拙的:lack of nimbleness

  malaise 不舒服:bodily discomfort

  malcontent 不满分子:opposition;不满的:dissatisfied

  malicious 恶意的:deliberately harmful

  malign 恶意的:cause suffering;诽谤:utter injuriously


  malinger 装病以逃避工作:pretend illness

  malleable 可塑的:capable of being shaped;易控制的:capable of being controlled

  malodorous  恶臭的:unpleasant smell

  mandatory 强制的:forcing compliance

  mangle 损毁,使伤残:injury;弄砸:ruin

  mangy 卑劣的:contemptible

  mania 热衷,狂热:intense enthusiasm

  manifest 显然的,明显易懂:understanding;显现,显露:make evident

  manipulate 巧妙操作:skillful;巧妙处理,暗中操控:deviously

  mannered 不自然的,做作的:artificial

  manumit 解放(奴隶):release from slavery

  manuscript 手稿:written by hand

  mar 污点,坏点:spoils the appearance;破坏,削弱:impair

  marsh 沼泽,湿地:wet

  martinet 纪律严明之人:strict

  marvel 令人惊奇的事物:surprise, admiration or wonder;(因为壮观、美丽等而)表示惊讶:feel amazement

  masquerade 捣碎:pulpy mass

  mash 面具,伪装:display insincere;伪装,掩饰:disguise

  mastery 技艺超群,精通:great skill

  matriculate 入学;录取:admit or be admitted

  maudlin 过于感伤的:tearfully sentimental

  maven 专家:experienced

  maverick 特立独行之人:does not conform;标新立异的,不合常规的:deviating

  mawkish 过度伤感的:sentimental

  meager 贫乏的:deficient

  mean 卑贱的:ignoble;吝啬的:sharing little;打算,怀有目的:purpose or goal;意味着:convey, show or indicate

  meander 闲逛,漫步:aimlessly and idly

  measly 少得可怜的,微不足道的:small

  measured 深思熟虑的,审慎的:calculated

  meddle 干涉,管闲事:intrude

  mediate 调解,调停:bring about an agreement

  mediocre 平庸的,质量中等偏下的:moderate

  medley 大杂烩,混合物:mixture

  meek 谦恭的:humility;顺从的:submissive

  meet 合适的:very proper

  mellifluous (曲调)优美的:smooth and sweet

  melodramatic 感情夸张的,伤感的:exaggeratedly emotional

  menace 威胁,使处于危险:intention to harm

  mendacious 撒谎的,虚假的:lies

  mentor  导师:guide;教导,指导:give advice

  mercenary (外国军队的)雇佣军:soldier hired;唯利是图的,贪婪的:monetary or material gain

  mercurial (情绪)善变的:changeableness of mood

  merited 应得的,理所应当的:what is called for

  mesh 诱捕:catch

  mesmeric 催命的,催眠术的:mesmerism;令人着迷的,难以抗拒的:attracting

  metamorphose (使)变形:change

  metaphysical 哲学上的,理论上的:idea;非尘世的:beyond universe

  meteoric 流星般迅速而短暂的:brevity

  methodical 井然有序的,有条理的:systematic order

  meticulous 极为谨慎的:extreme or excessive care

  mettle 勇气:strength of spirit;毅力,耐力:stamina

  miff 使恼怒:annoyed

  migratory 迁移的:moving from one region to another

  milk 榨取(财富、信息等):coerce profit

  mime 模仿:model

  mimic  仿真的,伪造的:in appearance;滑稽地模仿(以取笑):copy or exaggerate;模仿:model

  minatory 带来威胁的,有凶兆的:a sign of evil

  mince 切碎:small pieces;小步走:short steps
