barb 尖锐而严厉的批评:critical
barbarous 野蛮的,凶残的:mercilessly; 未开化的:uncivilized
barefaced 公然的,厚颜无耻的:brazen
bargain 协议:agreement; 讨价还价:negotiate
baroque 装饰华丽的,过分雕琢的,复杂的:extravagance, complexity, flamboyance; (程度上)过分的:beyond, limit
barrage 弹幕:curtain; 有压倒之势的、集中倾泻的(如言语):overwhelming, outpouring; (同时)袭来:attack with, overwhelming outpouring
barren 不育的:incapable, producing; 不产生结果的,无效的:no results; 贫瘠的:deficient; 极度匮乏的:lacking
barricade 障碍物:obstruction, rampart; 用障碍物阻止通过:prevent access
barter 以物换物:trade, without
batch 一批次的量:unit; 一小群人:small number of persons
bathetic 平凡的,陈腐的:commonplaceness
bawdy 下流的,猥亵的:indecent
bedeck 装饰,点缀:make more attractive
belabor (当众)严厉批评:criticize; 就···作过度的说明,喋喋不休:explain, excessively
beleaguer 包围,围攻:to surround; 使困扰,使烦恼,使消沉:trouble
belie 错误的描述,误述:picture falsely; 证明···为假:false, wrong; 掩饰:shut off from view; 与···相对立,与···相矛盾:counter
bellwether 领导者,带头人:lead
beneficent 仁慈的,好慈善的:charity; (对个人或社会)有益的:contributing
benign 好心的,仁慈的:kindness, gentleness; 无害的:not causing
berate (长时间)严厉指责:scold, vehemently, at length
beseech (急切地)恳求:beg
besmirch 弄脏,弄污:make dirty; 诽谤,玷污:detract from the honor
bifurcate (使)分成两支:two branches
bigot 固执己见者,有偏见的人:obstinately devoted
bland 味道平淡的,不刺激的:soothing; 无趣的:dull; 温和的,和蔼的:not harsh
blandishment 甜言蜜语,讨某人好话:coax, cajole
blasé (过度放纵之后)厌倦享乐的,腻厌的:apathetic
blast 爆炸:explosion; 一阵猛烈的强风:gust; 巨响:loud, sound; 炸裂,爆破:cause to break open;斥责,抨击:criticize harshly
blatant 大声喧哗的:noisy; (让人生厌地)惹人注目的:noticeable
blazon 使知名:make known openly; 修饰,装扮:make more attractive
blemish 缺点,污点:imperfection; 损害,玷污:reduce
blight (使)枯萎:affect; 损害:impair
bliss 极度快乐:ecstasy; 极乐世界:place of perfect happiness
blithe 愉快高兴的:happy lighthearted; 无忧无虑的,漫不经心的:freedom from worries
blueprint 蓝图,详细计划:architects’ plans; 事先计划:work out, in advance
blunder 过失:error, mistake; 在···方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误,糟蹋:make a stupid, error; 蹒跚:unsteadily
blunt 使变钝:less sharp; 减弱(力度等):weaken in strength or feeling; 直率的:direct, brief
blur (使)变得朦胧,(使)变得不清楚:vague; 使不易理解:unclear to the understanding
blurt 突然说出,冲动地说:abruptly
bluster 狂妄自大地大声说:loudly arrogant; 大声吹嘘,恐吓:loudly; 喧闹的状态:noisy
boggle (因为怀疑、恐惧)犹豫:hesitate; 笨拙地做:unskillful way
boisterous 喧嚷的,吵闹的:noisily
bolster 支撑(物):provide support;鼓励、使有精力:boost
bombast 夸大的言辞:pompous
bonhomie 温和,和蔼:geniality
boo 嘘(以表示不满或嘲笑):contempt, scorn, disapproval
boon 恩惠,福利:benefit; 喜欢集体活动的:enjoy the company of others
boor 粗鲁的人,不敏感的人:rude
bootless 无用的:useless
bound 界限:beyond which a person or thing cannot go; 给···设置界限:set limits; 投入的,坚定的:fully committed
联合抵制,拒绝参与:concerted refusal
bracing 令人振奋的,给人带来活力的:giving strength
brake 刹车:less rapid
brash 愚勇的,鲁莽的:foolishly adventurous; 缺乏判断力的,不明智的:poor judgment
brassy 厚脸皮的,不知羞耻的:rude boldness; 华而不实地炫耀:showy
bravado 假装勇敢:pretense; 虚张声势:swaggering
bravura 优秀演技(的):brilliant
brazen 蛮横大胆的,厚颜无耻的:contemptuous boldness; 大胆自信地去面对或从事:bold self-assurance
breach (对伦理、法律准则的)破坏:breaking, moral or legal code; 违背:fail to keep
brevity 简短,简洁:shortness; 精炼:few words
bribe 贿赂,收买:give, money
bridle 限制
brisk 充满生机的,有活力的:activity; (言辞或方式)尖刻辛辣的,刻薄的:keen or sharp
bristle 怒不可遏,咆哮:anger; 供应充足,充满:copiously
brittle 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的:broken; 不热心的,不真心的:lacking in friendliness
broach 开启,启封:open; 提出讨论:present
bromide 陈词滥调:hackneyed
brook 忍受,容许:tolerate; 小溪流:creek
browbeat 恐吓:intimidate
bruit (未经证实地)散播(消息):make, the subject of common talk
buck 阻止,反对:refuse assent; 转移,交接:shift possession
budge (使)改变立场或态度:alter a position; 停止抵抗,屈服:cease resistance
bulge 凸起:protuberant; 比赛中的优势地位:more favorable condition; 暴涨,突增,在数目或数量上突然而且是临时性的增加:sudden, usually temporary increase; 充满:copiously supplied
bully 欺凌弱小者:intimidating manner; 最好的,最棒的:best
bumptious 专横傲慢的,自以为是的:superiority
bungle 办遭,失败:work clumsily
buoy 使充满勇气和力量,使振作:courage or strength
buoyant 有浮力的:floating; 心情好的:good mood or disposition
burgeon 迅速成长扩大,蓬勃发展:grow, rapidly, flourish
burlesque 夸张滑稽地模仿以嘲弄他人的文学艺术作品,恶搞:make fun of
burnish 擦亮,磨光:make smooth or glossy
buttress 扶墙:supporting, wall building; 为···提供支撑的证据或者信息:provide evidence or information for
byzantine 错综复杂的:complicated, secretive, interrelated
cache 囤货,藏货:supply; 隐藏:hiding
cachet 同意:approval; 声望:prestige
cacophony 刺耳的声音:inharmonious sound
cadge 乞讨,乞求:beg
cajole 哄骗:wheedle
calcify 使僵化:inflexible, unchangeable
calibrate 调整,使标准化:standardize; (根据标准)精确测量:measure precisely
calligraphy (优美的)书法:elegant handwriting
callous 无同情心的,冷漠的:unfeeling
callow 不老练的,不成熟的:lacking, experience
calumniate 诽谤,造谣,中伤:false statements
camaraderie 友情:friendly
cameo 栩栩如生的描绘,简洁生动的描述或刻画:brief, vivid portrayal; 客串:brief but dramatic appearance
camouflage 伪装,伪装手段:deceive, hide
canard 谣传,误传:misleading
candor 坦率,直率,诚挚:honest, sincere
canon 准则,标准:standard, criterion; 真经,正典:authentic