
2022-05-18 21:49:21


  referee 仲裁者;裁判员:impartially resolves a dispute;(就纠纷或争论)给出意见:give an opinion

  refine 提纯,精炼:free from impurities;改善,改进:improve or perfect

  reflect 反射:change direction;反映,显露:make manifest;思考:think seriously

  refractory 倔强的,不顺从的:resisting control

  refulgent 辉煌的,灿烂的:shinning radiantly

  refute 否认:declare not to be true;证明为假,证伪:prove wrong

  regenerate 使重获新生,使焕然一新:bring back to life;(使)洗心革面:better in character

  regimen :lawful control

  regress 后退:back;退化,恶化:worse

  rehabilitate 使复原,使康复:restore to healthy condition;(使)洗心革面:better in character

  rehearsal 排练,彩排:practicing in preparation

  reign 统治权:right to command;占统治地位或盛行:be predominant

  rein 抑制,限制:keeping within certain boundaries;抑制,控制:keep from exceeding

  reiterate 重申:state again

  rejoice 欣喜,喜悦:feel joy

  relapse 故态复萌,再犯:fall back

  release 排放:give off;释放,使获得自由:set free;解雇:let go from office

  relentless 残酷的,无情的:no abatement or severity;固执的,不肯妥协的:yielding in one’s purpose

  relevant 有关系的,重要的:having connection

  religion 宗教,信仰:beliefs;(对于宗教信仰的)忠诚,虔诚:loyalty to God

  relinquish 放弃(职位,权力等):give up;移交,交出:give control or possession

  relish 喜好,偏好:appreciation or liking;(愿望达成时的)高兴,满足感:when wishes are met;享受,喜欢:take pleasure

  reluctant 不情愿的,反感的:showing unwillingness

  remiss 疏忽的,不留心的:carelessness

  remodel 改造,改变结构:alter the structure

  remonstrance 抗议,抱怨:expression of protect, complaint

  remorse 懊悔,悔恨:bitter regret

  remunerate 支付报酬,补偿:pay

  rend 撕裂,猛拉:tear or split apart

  renegade 背教者,叛徒:rejects allegiance

  renounce (正式地)放弃:give up;宣布与…决裂:refuse to follow

  renovate 修复,维修:restore;使重获新生,使焕然一新:bring back to life

  repartee 机智的回答:witty response;打趣,善意的玩笑:good-natured teasing

  repatriate 遣返:return to country

  repeal 撤销,废除(法律等):rescind or annul;宣布与…决裂:refuse to recognize

  repel 抵制:fight against;使厌恶:cause aversion

  repertoire (技术、设备或原料等的)详单:complete list

  repine 抱怨、表达不满:express discontent;渴望:long for

  replete 彻底吃饱了的:appetite completely satisfied;充满…的,富于…的:possessing great numbers

  repose (劳作后的)休息:state of resting;平静,宁静:freedom from storm;休息:take a rest;放置,交给他人:safekeeping or another

  reprehend 谴责,责难,批评:express unfavorable opinion

  repress :put down by force;阻止(正常的表达、活动或发展等):prevent expression

  reprieve 对...暂缓处刑,免罪:postpone or cancel punishment;维持...的运行:prevent from being closed

  reproach 令人羞愧的事物,耻辱:causes shame;批评,责备:express criticism

  reprobate 堕落者,道德败坏的人:unprincipled person;堕落的,放荡的:morally corrupt;谴责,痛斥:condemn strongly;拒绝,不提供:unwilling to grant

  reproof 批评,反对:criticism

  reprove 温和地责备,警告:scold gently;不欣赏,不喜欢:unfavorable opinion

  repudiate 否认:declare not to be true;拒绝接受:unwillingness to accept

  repugnant 令人厌恶的:arousing aversion;不和谐的,不协调的:not harmony

  repulse 使厌恶,排斥:reject with denial

  repute (尤指好的)名声,名誉:good reputation

  requite 酬谢,报答:make repayment;报仇:punish in kind

  requisite 必需品:something necessary;必不可少的,必备的:necessary

  rescind 废除,取消:make void

  reserved 内向的,缄默的:restrained

  residue 剩余物:remains

  resign 辞职,放弃(职位):give up office

  resilience 弹力:resume original shape;恢复能力:ability to recover quickly

  resolute 坚定的:firm determination

  resonant (声音)洪亮的,共鸣的:strong in tone

  resourceful 有创造力的,机智的:act imaginatively

  respite 间歇,休息:rest

  respire 呼吸:inhale, exhale air

  resplendent 华丽辉煌的:brilliantly

  responsive 反应的,敏感的:quick to respond

  restive 急躁的,忧虑的:impatience, uneasiness;难以管束的:resisting control

  restless 不平静的:lack of quite

  restrain 限制,控制:limit, restrict

  resurgence 复兴:restoration

  resuscitate 使复活,使苏醒:restore consciousness

  retainer 家仆:service

  retaliate 报复,反击:pay back

  retard 减速,延迟:cause slowly

  retinue 随行人员:group of retainers

  reticent 沉默不语的:inclined to be silent;不愿意的:slow to begin

  retort (尤指机智的)回应,回答:quick, witty reply

  retouch 润饰,改进:improve

  retract 收回,否认:take back

  retrench 削减开支:curtail expenses

  retribution 报酬,报应:reward or punishment

  retrograde 倒退的:moving backward;退步,退化:decline

  retrospective 回顾的:looking back

  revelry 狂乐,喧闹的作乐:noisy partying

  revenge 报复,复仇:retaliating;为...复仇:retaliating in kind

  revere (尤指对神的)尊崇,尊敬:respect

  revise 更改,修正:improve

  revive 恢复意识:return to consciousness;再获新生:active again

  revoke 撤回,宣告无效:annul

  revolt 使厌恶,使反感:fill with disgust;反叛:renounce allegiance

  ribald (举止、言语)下流粗鄙的:vulgar

  rickety 不稳的:lacking stability

  rider 骑马的人:rides;(议案的)附加条款:appended

  ridicule 嘲笑:make fun

  rife 丰富的,普遍的:great numbers

  rift 分裂,不和:break friendly;使开裂:break

  rile 刺激,惹怒:make agitated

  ripen 使成熟,变成熟:make ripe

  riot 喧闹,:public violence

  rite 惯例,仪式:prescribed form

  rive 撕开:tear apart

  riveting 吸引人的,极迷人的:absorbing engrossing
