
2022-06-10 06:33:23


  torpid 麻木的,没有知觉的:sensation;迟钝的,行动迟缓的:slow

  torpor 缺乏兴趣:lack of interest;(肉体或精神上的)迟钝,懒散:inertness

  torrential 急流的:rapidstreams

  torrid 酷热的:intensely hot;热情的,情感深厚的:great depth of feeling

  tortuous 转弯抹角的:indirect

  tout 极力赞扬:praise

  toy 草率或不认真地对待:handle thoughtlessly

  tractable 易驾驭的,温顺的:giving in

  tranquility 宁静,淡定:freedom from storm

  transcend 超越,超过极限:beyond the limits

  transfigure 使改变外观:alter appearance, transform

  transgress 违背,犯错:fail to keep, commit an offense

  transient 短暂的,瞬时的:transitory

  transitory 短暂的:lasting only a short time

  translucent 透明的:permitting passage light, transparent

  transparent 透明的:capable of transmitting light;没有歧义的,清晰易懂的:not subject to misinterpretation

  travail 辛苦劳动:arduous

  traverse 横穿:pass across

  travesty 拙劣的,嘲弄性模仿:exaggerated imitation

  treacherous 背叛的:betrayal

  trenchant 锐利的:sharp;(言辞)一针见血的:articulate

  trepidation 恐惧,战栗:apprehension

  trespass 非法入侵;违反;冒犯:enter unlawfully offense

  tribute 称颂,颂词:declaration gratitude

  trickle 一滴一滴地流,缓缓地流:fall in drops

  trite 陈腐的,陈词滥调的:hackneyed

  trivial 琐碎的,无足轻重的:little importance

  truant 逃避责任(的);逃避责任者:shirking responsibility, shirks duty

  truce 休战,休战协定:suspension fighting

  truculent 尖酸刻薄的:harsh insulting;好战的,好斗的:eagerness to fight

  trudge 吃力而笨拙地走:heavily or clumsily

  trumpet 大声说出或宣告:make known

  truncate 截短,缩短(时间、篇幅等):shorten

  truss 系紧,扎紧:into a tight mass

  tumult 骚乱,:disorderly, disturbance

  turbid 混浊的:deficient in clarity

  turbulent 动荡的:disturbance;湍急的,汹涌的:turmoil

  turgid 浮夸的,过分装饰的:embellished


  turmoil 骚动,混乱:agitation, commotion

  turncoat 叛徒:switches, traitor

  turpitude 卑鄙:baseness

  twig  了解:have a clear idea

  typo 打字错误:error

  tyro 新手,业余爱好者:beginner, novice

  ubiquitous 无所不在的,普通的:everywhere, often observed

  unassailable 无可争辩的,无法否认的,不可亵渎的:not to be violated

  uncanny 离奇的,奇异的:extraordinary or abnormal

  uncouth 粗俗的,没有品位的:lacking in refinement

  unctuous 油嘴滑舌的,谄媚的:flattering;夸张的,做作的:affected, exaggerated

  underdog 受害者,输家: loser/victim

  undergird 加强,巩固...的底部:strengthen

  undermine 削弱,破坏:weaken, injure, impair

  underscore 强调:to emphasize

  understate 保守陈述:restraint

  understudy 替补演员:take another's duties

  unexceptionable 无懈可击的:beyond reproach

  unflappable 镇定的,从容不迫的:not easily upset

  ungainly 笨拙的,不雅的:inability in a graceful manner

  unimpeachable 无可置疑的:unquestionable

  unkempt 凌乱的,无序的:lacking in order

  unlettered 未受教育的,文盲的:deficient in the knowledge, illiterate

  unpretentious 低调的,谦逊的:modest;坦诚的,自然的:free from deceive

  unproductive 徒然的,无效的:not productive

  unrequited 无报答的,无报酬的:not reciprocated

  unruly 难驾驭的,不守规矩的:difficult to discipline

  untenable 防守不住的,站不住脚的:defended

  untold 数不清的,无数的:numerous

  untoward 倒霉的,不吉利的:not favorable, unpropitious;难以驯服的,难以驾驭的:resisting control or discipline

  unwitting 不知道的,未觉察的:unware;偶然的,并非有意的:by chance, not intended

  unwonted 不习惯的,不寻常的:not habitual, ordinary, unusual

  upbraid (严厉地)谴责,责骂:reproach severely

  uphold 支持,赞成:support

  urbane 彬彬有礼的,文雅的:polite

  usurp 篡夺,篡位:seize power without legal authority

  utter 出(声),说(话):articulate;完全的,绝对的:entire

  vaccinate 预防接种疫苗:produce immunity

  vacillate 犹豫不决:hesitate;摇动,摇摆:oscillate

  vacuous 茫然的,愚蠢的:lack of intelligence

  vagary 不可预测的思想或行为:erratic, unpredictable

  vague 表达不清的:not clearly expressed;轮廓不清晰的:lacking definite shape

  valediction 告别:bidding farewell;告别词:address farewell

  valiant 勇敢的,英勇的:bravery

  valid 逻辑上正确的:correct

  vanquish 打败,征服:defeat

  vapid 无趣的,乏味的:lacking interest

  vaporize 使(液体)蒸发:convert by heat;彻底消灭:destroy

  variance 不一致,不和谐:lack harmony

  variegated 杂色的,斑驳的:different colors

  varnish 上清漆,使有光泽:smooth glossy;粉饰(令人不悦的东西):conceal unpleasant

  vault 跳起,跳跃:propel oneself upward;一跃而至:leaping suddenly

  vaunt 吹嘘:boastfully

  veer (使)转向,(使)改变航线:change direction

  vehement (情感)强烈的,热情的:great depth of feeling

  venal 贪污受贿的:open to corrupt

  vendor 小贩,商贩:sells

  veneer 薄木板,用以贴在家具外面的饰面板:thin surface layer, wood;粉饰(不好的东西):conceal defect

  venerate 尊敬:regard with respect

  venial 可宽恕的:easily excused

  venom 毒液:poisonous matter;恶意,恶毒的用心:desire to cause pain

  veracious 诚实的,说实话的:telling the truth;精确的,准确的:precise

