
2022-06-08 07:10:28


  falsehood 谎言:untrue, made in order to deceive

  falter 蹒跚:walk unsteadily;犹豫踌躇:unsteady in purpose or action

  fanatic 狂热者:unreasoning enthusiasm;狂热的;盲信的:intense uncritical devotion

  fantasy 幻想:imaginative fiction;产生幻想:form a mental picture

  farce (带有嘲讽元素的)滑稽戏:broadly satirical comedy;闹剧:ridiculous

  fascinate 强烈吸引,使入迷:hold an intense interest

  fast 绝食,斋戒:abstaining from food;快速的:quick;忠诚的:firm in one’s allegiance;稳固的,难以拆卸的:firmly positioned

  fastidious 挑剔的,极仔细的,追求完美的:meticulous attention to detail

  fateful 意义重大的:momentous;带来灾难的,毁灭性的:bringing death

  fathom 测量(深度):measure the depth;彻底理解,弄懂:come to understand

  fatigue 疲惫:weariness or exhaustion;(让人厌倦的)苦差事:causes weariness

  fatuous 愚笨的,昏庸的:foolish

  faultfinder 吹毛求疵的人:petty criticism

  favorable 赞许的:expressing approval;有利的:promote

  fawn 阿谀奉承:seek favor by flattery

  faze 打扰,使尴尬:disturb the composure

  feckless 无成果的,没有价值的:having no worth;粗心不负责任的:careless

  fecund 多产,肥沃的:fruitful

  feeble 衰弱的:lacking in strength

  feign 制造假象,装出…的样子:give a false appearance

  fender 缓存装置:cushioning device

  feral 野生的:not domesticated;动物性的:nature of a lower animal

  fertilize 使肥沃,使多产:make fertile

  fervid 酷热的:high temperature;热情的:great passion

  fervor 热情,狂热:great warmth

  fester 感染,溃烂,腐烂:corrupt

  fetid 恶臭的:offensive smell

  fetter 枷锁,限制:limits one’s freedom;束缚:restrain from motion

  fiasco 大失败:complete failure

  fickle 易变的:likely to change;不忠诚的:not true in one’s allegiance

  fictitious 虚构的:not real

  fidelity 忠诚:being faithful

  figurative 比喻的:denoting another

  figurine 小雕塑:small statue

  filibuster 拖延议事:for the purpose of delaying legislative action

  filter 过滤:pass through a filter;去除杂质:remove impurities

  finale 终场,结局:closing part

  finesse 娴熟技巧:skill;精心策划:plan out with subtle skill;(巧妙地)躲避:keep away from

  finicky 过分讲究的,挑剔的:extremely meticulous

  flaccid 不结实的,松弛的:lacking firmness


  flag 旗帜,象征:symbol;变得衰弱:become feeble

  flamboyant 艳丽夺目的,炫耀的,充满装饰的:strikingly elaborate

  flatter 拍马屁,奉承,讨好:praise excessively;自我感觉良好:think highly of;使显得更漂亮:show advantageously

  flaw 瑕疵,缺点:imperfection;降低,破坏,使不完美:reduce perfection

  fledgling 新生:starting out in a field

  fleet 舰队,车队:group of a vehicles;迅速的:with great speed;快速涌过:pass swiftly

  flexible 灵活的,可变的:readily changed;易受影响的:susceptible to influence

  flinch 畏缩;退缩:draw back

  flippancy 轻率,无礼:unbecoming levity

  flirt 调情:behave amorously;无规则地快速运动:make irregular movements

  flit 快速或突然地经过:pass quickly

  flock 人群,兽群:creatures massed together;聚集,集体行动:travel in a flock

  florid 辞藻华丽的,花哨的:fancy expressions;装饰华丽的:elaborately decorated

  flounder 笨拙地行动,挣扎:act clumsily

  flourish 茂盛,繁荣:achieve success;装饰:ornamentation

  flout 嘲弄性不理会,蔑视:treat with disregard

  fluctuate 波动,无规则地变动:shift back and forth

  fluent 表达流利的:able to express well;不费力的:minimal difficulty

  fluky 侥幸的:happening by good luck;偶然的:by chance

  flush (肤色)健康红润的:healthy reddish;富有的:money in abundance;大量的:abundance;冲洗:pour liquid

  fluster 使慌乱:put into agitated confusion

  foible 小缺点:minor flaw

  foil 挫败:prevent from being successful

  foment 助长,煽动:promote the growth

  foolproof 十分简单以至于不会失败的:leave no opportunity for error, misuse or failure

  footloose 无拘无束的,自由的:having no attachments

  forbearance 克制,忍耐:tolerance and restraint;友好仁慈的态度:kind, gentle or compassionate treatment

  forebear 祖先:an ancestor

  forestall 预先阻止:prevent beforehand

  foreword 前言:preface

  forge  伪造:imitate falsely;铸造,铸就:form;

  formidable 令人害怕的:causing fear;艰难的:requiring effort

  forthright 直率的,说话率真的:free in expressing opinions;直接的,不绕弯子的:free from ambiguity or evasiveness:going straight to the point

  fortify 加固,鼓励:give physical strength;做好心理准备:prepare mentally

  foster 促进,鼓励,培养:help the growth;养育:bring to maturity

  founder 建立者:one establishes;完败:fail utterly;沉没:become submerged

  fracas 争吵,吵闹:physical dispute, noisy fight

  fracture 破裂:breaking;打碎,破坏:separate into pieces

  fragile 易碎的:broken;易受伤的,脆弱的:easily injured

  frail 虚弱的:weak;(意志)薄弱的:weak;(希望)渺茫的:slight

  fraudulent 欺诈的:fraud

  fraught 充满的:full;令人忧虑的:emotional distress

  frenzy 疯狂,狂怒:mental agitation

  frequent 时常拜访:often;时常发生的,重复再现的:short intervals

  fretful 易怒的,烦躁的:vexed

  friable 易碎的:easily crumbled

  friction 摩擦:rubbing;冲突,不和:clashing;

  frigid 严寒的:cold;冷漠的:lacking warmth

  fringe 边缘:border;与…接壤,位于…的边缘:be adjacent

  frivolous 轻浮的:unbecoming levity;不重要的:little importance

  frothy 用轻薄材料制作的:light;(内容等)快乐轻佻、不严肃的:gaily frivolous

  frowsy 邋遢的:slovenly;味道难闻的:unpleasant smell

  frugal 节约的:economy

  frustrate 挫败,阻挠:prevent;使沮丧:lessen the courage

  full-bodied 重要的:importance;味道浓烈的:richness flavor

  fulminate 大声斥责:thunderous denunciation

  fumble 笨拙地做:awkward attempts;(无意识的)失误:departure from truth

  furor 喧闹,狂怒,激动,狂热:intense excitement

  furtive 鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的:stealth

  fury 暴怒:rage

