amorphous | 无固定形状的:definite, shapeless; 不可归类的:unclassifiable |
analgesic | 镇痛剂:medication, reduce, eliminates pain |
anarchist | 反抗权威的人:rebels against any authority |
anathema | 诅咒:curse |
ancillary | 次要的:secondary importance;辅助的,补充的:auxiliary, supplementary |
anecdote | 短小有趣的故事:short narrative, interesting, amusing |
anemic | 缺乏力量、活力、精神的:lacking force |
anesthetic | 止痛剂:relieves pain; 无感觉的,麻木的:lacking awareness or sensitivity |
animate | 活的:有活力的:life; 使有活力,支持:high-spirited energy; 使行动,驱使:action; 使活灵活现,使栩栩如生:lifelike movement |
animus | 敌意:spiteful, malevolent, enmity |
annoy | 不断烦扰:disturb, repeated |
annul | 宣告无效,取消:legally invalid; 抵消:balance, ineffective |
anomalous | 不普通的,不平常的:out, ordinary; 反常的,不正常的:departing |
anonymous | 匿名的:not named, identified; 无特色的:lacking individuality |
antagonize | 与...敌对,反对:opposition, counteract; 激怒:incur, provoke, hostility |
antediluvian | 非常古老的,过时的:extremely old, antiquated; 保守的人:old-fashioned |
anterior | 前面的:before |
antic | 滑稽可笑的:clownish |
apathy | 冷漠,缺乏情感:lack, feeling, emotion; 缺乏兴趣,不关心:lack, interest, concern |
aphorism | 格言,警句:short witty |
apocalyptic | 预言的,启示的:prophetic; 重要的,转折点的:major turning |
apocryphal | 假的:doubtful authenticity, spurious |
apoplectic | 极度愤怒的:extremely angry, furious |
apostasy | 放弃宗教信仰:renunciation, faith; 变节,背叛:abandonment, previous loyalty |
appall | 使惊恐:consternation |
appeal | 申请:application; 起诉:charge, crime, accuse |
appealing | 吸引人的:attractive, inviting |
applause | 鼓掌,认可:approval |
apposite | 相关的,合适的:pertinent, appropriate |
appreciable | 可感知的,明显的:perceptible |
apprehension | 忧虑,恐惧:suspicion, fear; 逮捕:arrestment; 理解:understand |
apprise | 通知,告知:inform |
approbation | 同意:approval |
appropriate | 私自挪用:take possession, without permission; 适当的:suitable, fitting |
apropos | 相关的:relevant; 关于,有关:having to do with |
apt | 恰当的,合适的:suitable, appropriate; 有倾向的,可能的:tendency, likely; 聪明的:intelligent, responsive |
archaic | 过时的,久远的:no, current, antiquated |
archetype | 典范,榜样:ideal; 先驱,鼻祖:earlier; 原型:copies |
ardor | 狂热:strong enthusiasm, devotion, zeal |
arduous | 难以做到的,费劲的:difficult |
argot | 隐语,黑话,行话:specialized, particular |
arrest | 使不活跃:inactive; 停止:stopping, standstill; 逮捕:keep; 吸引(某人)注意力:hold, attention |
arresting | 吸引人的:attracting, striking |
arrhythmic | 不规律的:lacking, regularity |
arrogance | 傲慢,自大:overbearing pride |
articulate | 清晰地表达:clearly, distinctly; 表达清晰的:able, express, clearly |
ascendant | 有影响力的,主宰的:dominant, influence, superior; 上升的:upward, rising |
ascetic | 苦行的,克己的,禁欲的:self-denial; 禁欲者:person, self-discipline |
aseptic | 消毒的,无菌的:preventing infection; 缺乏活力的:lacking vitality; 冷漠的:lacking emotion |
askew | 不成直线的(地),歪的(地):awry |
aspect | 外表,容貌:appearance |
asperity | (举止、性情)粗暴:roughness; (环境)艰苦:rigor, severity |
aspersion | 诽谤,中伤:harm, reputation |
aspirant | 有抱负者,有野心者:aspires; 想成为···的:seeking |
assent | 同意:agree |
assert | 断言,肯定地说出:declare, forcefully, aggressively |
assertive | 自信的:bold, assertion, self-assured |
assess | 评估(重要性、尺寸、价值等):determine; 征收费用(如罚款):charge, penalty |
assiduous | 勤勉的,专心仔细的:careful |
assuage | 缓和,减轻:lessen, intensity; 平息,抚慰:pacify, calm; 使满足:satisfying |
astounding | 令人吃惊的,出乎意料的:astonishment, amazement |
astute | 机敏的,有洞察力的:shrewdness, perspicacity |
asunder | 分离成多部分或多片地:separate parts, pieces; 分离地:apart |
asylum | 收容所,保护所:refuge, protection |
asymmetrical | 不平衡的,不对称的:no balance, symmetry |
atone | 赎罪,弥补:amends |
atrocious | 极坏的,极其残忍的:extremely wicked; 让人极为不满的:extremely unsatisfactory |
attenuate | 降低(数量、力量、价值):lessen |
audacious | 大胆的,(但往往)愚勇的:fearlessly, recklessly; 蔑视(法律、礼节)的,无礼的:contemptuous of law; 乐于冒险的:take risks; 大胆创新的:verve |
augur | 预言家:predicts; 出现好兆头:signs of, successful outcome; 预言:tell, beforehand |
authentic | 真实的,非仿造的:exactly; 准确的,相符的:original |
authority | (某领域的)权威人士:a high level of knowledge; 管辖权,控制:lawful control; 影响力:power to direct; (管束他人的)权力:right, control others; 根据,理由:warrant |
autocracy | :government, unlimited power |
autonomy | :self-governing; 自我主导的自由,(尤其是)精神独立:independence |
avarice | 贪财,贪婪:insatiable |
aver | 声称为真:state, forcefully; (态度强硬而明确地)声明:state clearly |
aversion | 非常讨厌,极厌恶:dislike; 令人厌恶的事物:someone that is hated |
avid | 急切渴望的:enthusiasm; 贪婪(钱财)的:eager, for material possessions |
awash | 被淹没的:by water; (如洪水般)泛滥的:filled, covered, overrun |
awe | 敬畏:dread, veneration, wonder |
awkward | 缺乏灵活性和技巧的:lacking dexterity; (处理问题)缺乏手段和智谋的:a lack of skill and tact; 臃肿笨拙的,不优雅的:lacking ease; 令人尴尬的:embarrassment; (因过大或过重设计问题)难以操作的:difficult to use |
awning | 雨篷,遮阳篷:shelter |
awry | 弯曲的,扭曲的:turned, twisted; 走样的(地),出差错的(地):off, course |
axiomatic | 公理的:axiom; 不言自明的:self-evident |
babble | 发出含糊无意义的嘟囔声,胡乱说:utter, meaningless; 闲聊:rambling conversation |
backhanded | 间接的,含沙射影的,虚情假意的:indirect |
badger | 不断纠缠或骚扰:harass, persistently |
badinage | 打趣,善意的玩笑:banter |
bait | 逗弄,激怒:persecute, exasperate; 引诱:lead away; 诱饵:something, luring |
bale | 痛苦,悲哀:sorrow |
baleful | 有害的:harmful; 凶兆的,凶恶的:evil; 致命的:causing death |
balk | 阻碍:check, obstacle; 不愿接受,拒绝:unwillingness |
balky | 不服管束的,倔强的:refusing |
ballad | (由简单诗节和叠句组成的)民歌:poem |
balloon | 迅速增加:increase |
balm | 香油,止痛膏,安慰物:sweet-smelling oil, soothe; 香气:pleasant smell |
banal | 非原创的,陈腐的:trite |
bane | 祸根:ruin; 有害物质:kill or injure a living thing |
banish | 驱逐出境:leave, country; 赶出:force out |
banter | 幽默、打趣的(地)谈话:humored |