abandon | 放纵:constraint;放纵:unrestrainedly;放弃:withdraw;停止做某事:put an end to |
abase | 降低(地位、职位、威望或尊严):lower |
abash | 使尴尬,使羞愧:self-confidence,embarrass |
abate | 减轻(程度或者强度):reduce,degree,intensity;减少(数量),降低(价值):reduce,amount,value |
abbreviate | v.缩写,缩短:briefer |
abdicate | v.正式放弃(权力、责任):throne |
aberrant | adj.异常的,非常规的:deviating |
abet | v.帮助,怂恿:assist or support;v.鼓励:encourage |
abeyance | n.终止,搁置:inactivity |
abhor | vt.深恶痛绝,极度厌恶:extreme repugnance |
abiding | 永久的:enduring |
abject | adj.无精打采的:spiritless;adj.(地位、身份)悲惨、凄凉的:low state;adj.卑微的,讨好的:humble |
abjure | v.发誓放弃:rejecting,abandoning;v.抵制避免:resist |
abnegate | 否认:deny,renounce;投降,放弃,交出(权力等):surrender,relinquish |
abominate | 憎恶:abhor |
aboveboard | 无欺诈的,光明正大的:free from,deceit or duplicity |
abrade | 磨损,精神上的折磨:wear away, by friction |
abridge | 缩短,缩小:shorten;在不改变本意的条件下删减词语,缩写:shorten |
abrogate | 官方的正式废除:annul;无视(某事的)存在:nonexistent |
abscond | 偷偷离开:depart secretly |
absolute | 专制的:unconstrained; 无限的unqualified; 完美的,纯净不惨杂的:free from imperfection, mixture; 不容置疑的,确凿的:unquestionable |
absolve | 使无罪,解除责任:free from, guilt, exculpate |
abstain | 自我克制,主动戒绝:refrain, by one’s own choice |
abstemious | (吃喝等)有节制的,节俭的:restraint, food or alcohol, sparing |
abstract | 做总结,概括:abstract, summarize; 使分心:away, attention |
abstruse | 难以理解的:recondite |
absurd | 不合理的:unreasonable |
abundant | 大量的: great plenty |
abuse | 辱骂,抨击:condemn or vilify; 不正当的或不合理使用的:wrong or improper use; 过分过量使用的:use excessively |
abut | 邻接,毗邻:adjacent |
abysmal | 极低的,极可怜的:immeasurably low; (程度)很深的,极端的:immeasurably great |
accede | 赞成:approval, consent; 就任,就职:come into an office |
accelerate | 加速:faster; 使提前发生:earlier; 变大,变多:greater |
accessible | 可以达到的:within easy reach; 可以理解的:understood; 能够获得的:get |
accessory | 辅助的,附属的:secondary, supplementary, subordinate; 帮凶:one, wrongdoing |
accidental | 意外发生的,偶然的:unexpectedly; 附带的,不重要的:not being a vital part |
acclimate | 使适应:to change (something) so as to make it suitable |
accolade | 同意,赞赏:approval; 赞扬:praise |
accommodate | 提供所需(例如服务、借贷、寄宿):provide; 改变以适应新情况、新场景:make, suitable;使和谐:free of conflicts |
accost | 以挑衅的形式搭讪:challenging or aggressive way |
accrete | 逐渐增长:grow, gradually |
accumulate | 逐渐增长:increase gradually |
acerbic | (心情、心境或者语调)尖酸的:wit, cause hurt feelings |
acme | 顶点,极点:highest; 最佳典范:most perfect type |
acquiesce | 勉强同意;默许:accept, tacitly or passively |
acrid | 辛辣的,刺鼻的:harsh, taste, odor; 刻薄的:wit, cause hurt feelings |
acrimonious | 刻薄的,充满仇恨的:deep-seated resentment |
acumen | 不同寻常的洞察力和鉴别力:exceptional discernment and judgment |
acute | 敏锐的:keen discernment; 严重的,急性的:immediate attention; (程度、影响)极强的:extreme |
adamant | 固执的,不可动摇的:unshakable, unyielding, inflexible |
adapt | 修改,使(适应):modify |
addict | 沉溺,上瘾:surrender, obsessively; 对某事上瘾的人:habitual liking |
adhere | 依附,粘着:stick; 服从,遵守:according to the commands; 坚定地支持:steadfast support |
adjourn | 延期,休会:suspend; |
adjunct | 附属物,非必需部分:not essentially a part |
ad-lib | 即兴的:without previous thought or preparation |
admonish | 建议:give advice; 责备:reprove gently |
adore | 喜爱,因···感到愉悦:pleasure; 宠爱:tenderness |
adulate | 极度谄媚:praise too much |
adulterate | 掺杂,加入低等成分:impure, addition |
adumbrate | 部分地或有保留地揭露:disclose; 预示着:give a slight indication |
adventitious | 外来的,后天的,非内在的:not inherent or innate |
adversary | 敌手,对手:resists, enemy |
advert | 引起注意,提到:refer |
advocate | 支持,提倡:support |
affable | 和蔼的,温和的:ease, friendliness |
affinity | 喜欢,倾向:attraction |
affluent | 富裕的:sufficient |
aggrandize | 增加、提高(力量、财富、地位、声誉)等:enhance |
aggravate | 加重,恶化:worse, serious, severe |
aggregate | 集合体:units or parts, associated; 集合,聚焦:collect or gather |
aggressive | 好斗的:attack; 强有力的,强烈的:forcefulness |
aggrieve | 使苦恼,使悲痛:pain, trouble, distress |
agitate | 煽动,激起:arouse; 使不安:trouble the mind, disturb |
agog | 极度感兴趣的:urgent desire or interest |
agonize | (使)非常痛苦:deep sadness |
airtight | 无瑕疵的:no, flaw; 密封的,不透气的:impermeable to air |
alacrity | 反应迅速,乐意,欣然 |
alibi | 不在场的证明,托辞,借口:excuse |
alienate | 疏远,离间:make unfriendly; 转移,变卖(财产或权利):convey or transfer |
align | 使排成一行:line; 调准,校准:adjust |
allay | 减轻:subdue, reduce, intensity or severity |
allegiance | 忠诚:devotion or loyalty |
alleviate | 缓和,减轻:relieve, lessen |
allude | 间接提到:indirectly |
allure | 吸引:attract or delight; 诱惑做(某事)lead, pleasure or advantage |
ally | 盟友,支持者:association; 加入联盟:enter |
aloft | 在空中:in flight |
aloof | 孤高的,不合群的:distant |
altruism | 利他主义:unselfish |
amalgamate | 合并,混合:combine, unified, unite |
ambiguous | 有多种理解方式的,不确定的:more than one, doubt, uncertain |
amble | 漫步,闲逛:walk slowly, leisurely, stroll |
ambrosial | (食物)特别美味的,香的:extremely pleasing |
ameliorate | 改善,改进:become better, improve |
amenable | 顺从的,服从的:yield, submit |
amenity | (环境、设备等的)舒适,人性化:comfort; 融洽,和谐:pleasant, agreeable |
amiable | 好脾气,友好易相处的:friendly |
amicable | 友善的:friendly, amiable |
amity | 友好关系,亲善和睦:friendship, friendly |