acknowledge 承认:admit
acquire 获取,获得:get as one's own
acquisitive 贪婪的:desirous
adjudicate 裁决,判定:settle
adversity 厄运,逆境:difficulty
affectation 虚伪,做作:not natural, not genuinely felt
affirm 声称...为真,肯定...属实:valid or confirmed
affix 粘合:attach physically
affliction 痛苦,悲伤,折磨:great suffering
agape 急切盼望的:eagerly awaiting
agility (身手)敏捷:quickness, ease and grace
*agonize 折磨,使痛苦:agony;感到痛苦:suffer agony
agreeable 令人愉悦的:pleasing to the mind or senses;随和的:easygoing and pleasing manner;相一致:in harmony
*alienate 使...疏远:unfriendly, hostile,indifferent;转让,让渡:convey or transfer
alloy 合金;混合物:combing of two or more different things;掺杂,降低...的纯度:debase by the addition
ambivalent (尤指感情、态度)矛盾的:opposing feelings
anachronistic 时代错误:chronologically misplaced
analogous 相似的,可比较的:in common
annex 裙楼,副楼:auxiliary building;添加,合并:join;吞并,夺取(土地等):incorporate
annotate 给...作注解:commentary or explanatory notes
antedate 比...早,早于:earlier date
antipathy 厌恶,反感:aversion, dislike;令人反感的事物:objection of aversion
antiquated 古老的,过时的:out of style
antithetical 完全对立的,相反的:direct and unequivocal opposition
apparition 鬼魂,幽灵:ghostly figure
applicable 可用的,可行的:put to use;相关的,有光的:having to do with;合适的,恰当的:meeting the requirements
apprehensive 知晓的,理解的:impressed on the mind;恐惧的,害怕的:anxious, fearful
arable 适合耕作的:growing of crops
arbitrary 专横的,独断专行的:force one's will on others;,拥有无限权力的:without interference by others;缺乏计划的,随意的:lacking a definite plan
arcane (语言)晦涩的,隐晦的:veiled, uncertain;深奥的,难以理解的:difficult to understand
argument 争吵,争论:expression of differing opinions;(逻辑上的)论证:from a premise to a conclusion;观点,论点:idea, opinion
arid 干燥的:little or no precipitation;无趣的,无聊的:lack of interest
array 排列,阵列:arrangement;排列,摆放:arrange or display;装饰,装修:dress or decorate
assail 抨击,严厉批评:criticize harshly;攻击,猛攻:violent action against
asymmetry 不对称,不均衡:lack of balance
atrophy 萎缩,衰退:waste away
attest 证实,为...作证:give evidence
attune 使协调,使和谐:into harmony
august 威严的,严重的:formal and serious or reserved manner;盛大的,令人印象深刻的:large and impressive
auspicious 好兆头的:toward a happy outcome
austere 朴素的,朴实无华的:simple;严肃的,令人生畏的:stern and cold
automatic (机器等)自动的:independent of external influence;自发的,情不自禁的:spontaneously or unconsciously
avowal 承认,公开宣称:declaration
backfire 产生相反的结果,事与愿违:reverse
backslide (情况等)倒退,故态复萌:revert to a worse condition
baffle 挫败,阻挠:frustrate or check;使疑惑:mental uncertainty
baffling 令人疑惑的,难以理解的:hard to comprehend
bash 猛击:forceful blow;攻击,用力击打:strike violently;抨击,严厉批评:criticize harshly
bask 休息,悠然自得:lie or relax
beholden 欠他人人情的:owing gratitude
behoove 对...有利:necessary, proper, advantageous
beige 缺乏特征的:lacking distinction
belligerence 好斗,好战:aggressive or truculent
belligerent 好斗的,好战的:assertiveness, hostility, combativeness
beset 使苦恼,骚扰:cause persistent suffering;攻击,袭击:set upon
bewitching 迷人的,令人着迷的:attract
blackmail 敲诈,勒索:extortion of money
bluff 直率的,(说话)直截了当的:direct, brief, potentially rude;欺骗:deceive
bogus 伪造的,假冒的:being such in appearance only;虚伪的,做作的:lacking, spontaneous quality
bore 令人讨厌的人或事物:causes boredom;使厌倦,使厌烦:make weary
brandish (带有威胁性地)挥舞:shake menacingly
brim 边缘,边界:outer margin;充满:full often to overflowing;加满,倒满:as much as can be
bumble 含糊不清地说,杂乱无章地说:rapidly, inarticulately;笨拙地行动:clumsily
bustle 忙乱,喧嚣:noisy, energetic;(快速地)行走,奔忙:move briskly
cachet* 威望,声望:mark or quality
calamity 大灾难:disastrous event
calculated 经过计算(成败得失)的,经过深思熟虑的:reckoning or estimating
calibrate* 校准,调校:check, adjust, determine
canny 精明的,聪明的:careful and shrewed
canonize 过分宠爱,过分崇拜:admire too much;使崇高,使神圣:high status or value
captious 吹毛求疵的,爱挑毛病的:stress faults and raise objections
careen 蹒跚而行。不稳定行走:to lurch or swerve;狂奔,快速运动:rush
carefree 无忧无虑的:no worries or troubles
cascade (尤指小的)瀑布:small fall
cellular 多孔的:porous
ceremonious 讲究礼节的,庄重的:careful attention to set forms
certitude 确定无疑:certain
channel 水渠:passageway for water;海峡:between two land masses;将...导入,投入:move to a central point
chaperone 同行,护送:go along with
charisma 魅力,吸引力:charm
cherished 受喜爱的,珍爱的:granted special treatment
chivalrous 有骑士风度的,(尤指对女性)彬彬有礼的:gracious courtesy and high-minded consideration
chorale 赞美诗:hymn or psalm;合唱班,合唱团:group of singers
clamor 喧闹;喧哗,噪声:loud, inharmonious
clan (有共同爱好的)团体,帮派:united by a common interest
cleave 紧贴,坚持:adhere;分隔,割裂,劈开:divide
cling 粘结,粘合:physical sticking;紧贴;坚持:adhere
coarse 粗糙的,表面不平整的:not smooth;(声音)刺耳的,粗声粗气的:rough in tone;粗俗的:lacking refinement;(质量)低劣的:inferior quality
cohesive 有粘性的;有凝聚力的:cohesion or coherence
collaborate 合作:work jointly
commiserate 表示怜悯,同情:sympathy
compatible 一致的,能共存的:in harmony
compelling 极具说服力的:persuade;迫切的,紧迫的:immediate attention
complacent 自满的,自鸣得意的:excessive or unjustified satisfaction;无所谓的,不关心的:lack of interest or concern
complementary 互补的:supplying each other's
complicate 使复杂化:complex or difficult
comprehend 理解,了解:grasp;包括,包含:contain or hold within
concrete 实体的,实在的:matter;事实性的,明确的:in fact
condemn 谴责(...为不道德的、邪恶的):declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil