
2022-05-27 04:54:46


  sunder 分裂,分离:break apart

  supercilious 高傲的,傲慢的:haughty

  superficial 表面的,肤浅的:lacking depth

  superfluous 多余的,过剩的:exceeding sufficient

  superimpose 添(声)加(色)(使形象、某因素或性质更加清楚):add distinct

  supine 懒散的,倦怠的,消极的,漠不关心的:lethargy, indifference

  supple 易弯曲的,柔软的:bent, pliant

  supplant 排挤,篡夺...的位置:usurp the place of

  supplement 增补,补充:complete for a deficiency

  supplicate 恳求,乞求:make a request earnest or urgent

  supposition 猜想,推测:little or no evidence

  suppress 抑制(表情):inhibit the expression;用暴力终止,:put a stop to, force

  surcharge 过高收费:charge much

  surfeit (使)过量,(使)饮食过度:supply excess

  surrender 交出,放弃,投降:give over to;使沉溺于:give(oneself)over

  surreptitious 偷偷摸摸的,保密的:escape being observed

  susceptibility 易受感染的性质或状态:little resistance

  suspend 暂停,中止:bring to a formal close;悬挂:hang

  suture 缝合:joining

  svelte (女人)体态苗条的,优雅的:slim

  swagger 大摇大摆地走,趾高气昂地走:arrogant, pompous;自夸,吹嘘:boast

  swear 咒骂:curse;宣誓:oath

  sweltering 酷热的:hot

  swerve 突然改变方向:turn aside abruptly

  swill 痛饮,大口地吃:drink greedily, eat greedily

  swindle 欺骗,骗取:cheat

  sybarite 沉溺于奢侈逸乐者,酒色之徒:devoted luxury

  sycophant 马屁精:flatter

  syllabus 提纲,摘要;课文、演讲或研究课题的概要或提纲:summary

  syllogism 由一般到个别的推理,演绎:reasoning, deduction

  symbiosis 共生关系:living together

  symmetry 对称:balanced proportions

  synchronous 同时期的,同步的:identical period phase

  synergic 合作的:cooperating

  synonymous 同义的:same similar meaning

  synopsis 摘要,概要:outline, abstract, summary

  synthesis 合成,综合:combination

  tacit 暗示的:implied, not actually expressed

  taciturn 沉默寡言的,话少的:disinclined to talk

  tackle 着手处理:start work

  tact 机敏,精明,不冒犯:keen sense, maintain good relations

  tactile 有触觉的,能触知的:touch tangible

  tactless 不机智的,笨拙的:inconsiderate, indiscreet

  talisman 护身符:bring good luck, keep away evil

  taint 使(品质)污损:morally bad

  tamper 恶意篡改,损害:mischievously;玩弄:rashly or foolishly

  tangent 离题(的),不相关(的):irrelevant

  tangible 可感知的:capable perceived;确凿的,真实的:real or concrete

  tangy 刺激的:powerfully stimulating

  tantalize 激起,挑逗,引诱:excite

  tantamount 等价的,与...相等的:equivalent

  tantrum 勃然大怒,发脾气:bad temper

  taper (使)逐渐变细:become narrower, thinner;逐渐减少,减弱:diminish gradually

  tardy 缓慢的,迟缓的:slowly;延后的,迟的:delayed

  tarnish 玷污:morally bad

  tasty 美味的;令人愉悦的:pleasure or contentment

  tatty 破旧的,褴褛的:shabby

  taunt 嘲弄性质疑,挑衅:challenge, jeer at

  taut 紧绷的:not loose;整洁的:proper order, trim shape

  tawdry 俗丽的,花哨而庸俗的:gaudy

  taxing 繁重的,费力的:requiring much time, effort

  tedious 冗长乏味的:tiresome, dullness, boring

  teeter 蹒跚,不稳定地行走:unsteadily;犹豫不决:uncertainty

  telling 禁酒:abstinence alcoholic

  temerity 有效的,显著的:effective

  temporize 鲁莽,冒失:foolhardy, recklessness;行动躲躲闪闪以争取时间、躲避争论等:act evasively

  temperate (言行举止)有分寸的:avoiding extremes;有节制的:restraint

  tempestuous 突然的,剧烈的:sudden or violent

  tenable 有据可依的,无懈可击的:capable defended, reasonable

  tenacious 顽固的,不屈不挠的:persistent;粘着的:adhere to

  tendentious 有偏见的:biased

  tender 正式提出:offer;考虑周到的,关心同情的:sympathy consideration

  tenuous 没有实际内容的,空洞的:little substance

  tepid 不太热心的:little or no interest

  terminology 专业术语:special terms or expressions

  terminus 终点,终点站:end

  terror 极度恐惧:intense fear

  terse 简洁的,简明的:brief

  testimony 证词,声明:authentication

  testy 易怒的,暴躁的:easily annoyed, irritable

  tether (用绳、铁链)拴系、束缚:fasten, restrain;能力或忍耐力的极限:limit

  theatrical 做作的,夸张的,矫揉造作的:exaggerated unnatural

  therapeutic 治疗的,有疗效的:treatment disease

  thorny 多刺的:full of thorns;棘手的:difficulties

  threadbare 陈腐的:hackneyed;贫穷的:lacking possessions;破烂的:worn or torn

  throng 大量聚集:crowd in great numbers

  thwart 阻挠:oppose

  ticklish 易怒的:easily offended;棘手的,对技巧要求高的:exceptional skill or caution

  tiff 小争吵:petty quarrel

  tightfisted 吝啬的:stingy

  timeworn 陈腐的:hackneyed

  timid 胆小的,不自信的lacking courage, self-confidence

  timorous 胆小的:fearful

  tinge 给...着上少量的色彩:color, tint

  tinker 乱修,乱调整:thoughtlessly

  tint 涂浅色,微染:slight coloration to

  tirade 长篇抨击性演讲:angry censorious or denunciatory

  toady 马屁精;拍马屁:flatters, gaining favors

  tonic 滋补的,有益健康的:stimulating vigor, beneficial

  topsy-turvy 混乱的:lacking in order
