entangle 使卷入,使纠缠:twist confused mass;使变复杂或困难:complex or difficult
enthusiasm 热情,兴趣:desire or interest
entice 诱使:tempt, lure
entrance 进入权,进入许可:means of entering or participation;使入迷:wonder, enchantment
entrap 诱骗:lure
entreat 恳求:plead persuade, ask urgently
enunciate 清晰地说:articulate;公开宣布,宣称:openly or publicity
ephemeral 短暂的:very short time
epic 宏大的,超凡脱俗的:surpassing the usual
epicure 美食家:discriminating tastes
epigram 机智的短诗,警句:short witty
epilogue 文学作品的结局:concluding section literary;戏剧的收场白:final scene of a paly
epithet 外号,绰号:descriptive name
epitomize 摘要,概括:short statement, main points;代表,体现,是…的典型范例:represent a typical example of
equable (脾气、性情)温和的:serene
equity 不偏不倚,公平:lack of favoritism
equivalent 等价的,相等的:equal
equivocate (带有欺骗目的地)模棱两可地说,说谎话:equivocal
erode 侵蚀,慢慢减少:consume gradually
errant 居无定所的:from place to place;误入歧途的,犯错误的:straying proper course or standards
erratic 善变的:not constant;异常的,不同寻常的:different from the ordinary
erudite 博学的:learned
escalate (使)(战争等)升级,扩大:increase
eschew 刻意避开;戒绝:avoid
esoteric 深奥难懂的:difficult to understand;少数人知道的:not known by the general
espouse 支持;拥护:support;与…结婚:marriage, marry
esteem 尊重:respect, prize
estimable 值得尊敬的:admirable
estrange 使疏远,离间,使感情失和:enmity, indifference, friendliness
etch 蚀刻;留下深刻印象,铭记:produce a vivid impression
eternal 永恒的:infinite duration, everlasting, perpetual
ethereal 轻巧精致的:lightness, highly refined, delicate;天国的:heaven;非物质的,精神(上)的:spiritual, not composed of matter
ethics 道德规范:governing conduct
eulogize 称赞,颂扬:speak in high praise of
euphemism 婉言,委婉的说法:inoffensive expression
euphonious 悦耳的:pleasing
euphoria 感觉极其愉快:overwhelming usually pleasurable
evacuate 撤空:empty or remove;撤退:remove
evanescent 逐渐消失的,短暂的:vanish
evasive 难以发现,捕捉,分离的;含糊其辞的:equivocal
everlasting 永恒的,持久的:forever
evict 赶出,逐出:expel
evince 表明:make known
evoke 唤起,引发:call up
exacerbate 使加剧,使恶化:severe
exacting 严格的,苛求的:rigorous;费时间心思的:requiring time, effort, attention
exalt 提升,提拔:raise;赞扬:praise
exasperate 激怒:excite
excavate 挖掘,挖空:dig out
exceptional 例外的,特别的,非凡的:uncommon, extraordinary
excoriate 严厉批评:criticize harshly publicly
excrete 排泄:discharge
excruciate 折磨,使痛苦:pain
exculpate 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪:clear fault guilt
excursive 离题的;散漫的:passing
execrate 谴责:morally wrong or evil;痛恨:dislike strongly
exemplary 榜样的,值得效仿的:being a pattern, imitated;作为警告的:warning
exempt 使免除:release liability
exhaust 耗尽:consume entirely, complete use of;筋疲力尽:wear out
exhilarate 使高兴;使兴奋:cheerful, excited
exhort 敦促,力劝:urge strong
exigent 紧急的:immediate
exodus 大批离去:departure
exonerate 免除责备:free from blame
exorbitant 过度的:exceeding the customary or appropriate limits
exotic 外来的,不同寻常的:unusual
expansive 广阔的:great expanse;健谈的,外向的:open, talkative, effusive
expedite 加快进程:speed up the progress
expedition 动作迅速:speed
expiate 赎罪,纠正:extinguish the guilt
expire 断气,死亡:die;到期:come to an end
explicit 表达清晰的:fully revealed or expressed;成熟的,完全形成的:fully developed
exploit 英雄行为:notable act;最大程度地利用:employ
exponent 倡导者,支持者:advocates;实践者,典型代表:full realization
expurgate 净化(书等),删去(不当处):remove
exquisite 成都强烈的:extreme;精致精巧的:refined taste
extant 现存的:not destroyed, extinct
extemporize 即兴表现:without prior preparation
extenuate 减轻罪过:lessen the seriousness
extinct 灭绝的:no longer existing
extinguish 熄灭:put out;终止:bring to a complete end
extol 赞美;吹捧:praise
extort 勒索:force, intimidation
extract 用力拔出:take out
extraction 血统:origin, ancestry
extraneous 无关的:no relevance;非主要因素的:not essential
extravagant 挥霍的:spending money freely;过度的,不必要的:beyond normal acceptable limit
extricate 使解脱,救出:free entanglement
exuberant 非常高兴的,热情洋溢的:joyously, unrestrained;大量的,充分的:abundance
exude 分泌,流出:flow forth
exult 感到欢喜:rejoice
fable 寓言故事:story teach a basic truth;神话,传说:story of supernatural happenings;谎言,虚构:statement in order to deceive
fabricate 捏造:make up;搭建,组建,打造:bring into being by combining
facetious 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的:joking
facile 表面的,浅尝辄止的:lack of depth;容易的,唾手可得的:easily accomplished
facilitate 使变容易,促进:make easy
faction 派系:a party that is often contentious
fallacious 谬误的,不合逻辑的:containing fallacy;欺骗性的:tending to deceive
fallow 休耕的:untilled;闲置的:not being in a state of use
fail-safe 保险措施:to preclude loss or injury;万无一失的:no chance of failure