
2022-06-14 17:29:48


  riveting 吸引人的,极迷人的:absorbing engrossing

  rivulet 小河,小溪:small stream

  robust 精力充沛的,强壮的,健康的:full of strength

  roil 搅浑,使混乱:stir up;激怒:displease

  roisterer 喝酒喧闹的人:engages in merrymaking

  rookie 新兵;新生;菜鸟:recruit

  roster 值勤表,花名册:list of personnel

  rostrum 讲坛,演讲坛:stage speaking

  rouse 激起,煽动:stir up;唤醒:stop sleeping

  royalty 皇家身份:regal character;版税;专利权税:payment

  rubicund 红润的,健康的:healthy rosiness

  rudimentary 初始的,未发展的:earliest development;最根本的,基础的:first principles

  rue 后悔,遗憾:feeling of regret

  ruffle 皱褶,褶裥花边:strip edge;使粗糙:destroy smoothness;扰乱,打扰:disturb

  ruminate 沉思:go over in the mind

  rumple 使皱,弄皱:form creases;打乱,使不整齐:undo the proper order

  run (不间断的)连续演出:course of performances

  runic 神秘的:mysterious

  rupture 打破;打碎,破裂:part

  ruse 诡计:subterfuge

  rustic 乡下人,头脑简单的人:awkward or simple person;乡村的:open areas with few buildings;粗俗的:lacking polish

  rustle 快速地行动:move or act with speed

  sabotage 妨害,破坏:hinder a cause;从事破坏活动,阻止:practice sabotage

  saccharine 像糖一样的,有甜味的:sugar;做作的,矫情的:appealing to the emotions

  sacrilege 亵渎圣物:profanation sacred

  saddle 使某人担负:load

  safeguard 保护措施:prevent accident;保护:make safe

  sage 智者:wisdom

  salient 显著的,最突出的:conspicuously

  salubrious 有益健康的:promoting health

  salutary 有益健康的:promoting health;有利的,利好的:promoting well-being

  salutation 致敬,打招呼(表示欢迎和礼貌):greeting;赞扬:praise

  salvage (从灾难中)抢救:save from loss

  salve 减轻:缓解:assuage

  sanctify 使神圣,将...敬为神:make holy

  sanctimonious 假装虔诚的:hypocritically pious

  sanction 批准,同意,许可:make valid;制裁:coercive measure

  sanctuary 避难所:protection

  sand 磨光:make smooth

  sanguine 乐观的,确信的:free from doubt;面色红润的:healthy reddish

  sanitary 健康的,清洁的:health

  sap 削弱:weaken energy vitality;健康,活力:active strength

  sapient 聪明的,有洞察力的:deep understanding, intelligent

  sarcasm 讽刺,轻蔑:ironic

  sartorial 裁缝匠的,裁缝的:clothes

  sate 使饱足,充分满足:satisfy fully

  satiate (使)饱足(的),过分满足(的):satisfy fully

  satire 讽刺诗,讽刺文学:literary ridicule

  satirize 讽刺:ridicule

  saturate 使饱和,浸透:wet thoroughly

  saturnine 忧郁的,阴沉的:lacking in cheer;讽刺的:sardonic

  saunter 闲逛,漫步:by foot

  savant 博学之士,学者:learning

  savory 口感好的,味道好的:appetizing taste, smell;令人愉悦的,pleasure or contentment

  savvy 老练,机智:knowledge actually doing;明确了解:clear idea of;有见识的,精明能干的:practical cleverness or judgment

  scads 许多,大量:large number

  scant 不足的,缺乏的:scarcely

  scathing 尖酸刻薄的:cause hurt feelings

  schism 不一致:lack of agreement

  scintillate 闪耀:sparks

  scion 子孙:descendant

  scission 切断,分离,分裂:division

  scoff 嘲笑:derision, mock;狼吞虎咽:eat greedily

  scorch 炙烤,烘干:burn, make dry

  scorn 轻蔑,鄙视,不屑:reject contemptible

  scotch 停止:put an end to

  scour 用力擦洗:wash vigorously;搜查:to find or discover

  scowl 皱眉(表现出不高兴):expression displeasure

  scrappy 好斗的,好吵架的:aggressive

  scrap 废料,废物:discarded or useless;抛弃:get rid of;终止,放弃原计划:put an end to

  scrawl 乱涂,潦草地写:write carelessly

  scribble 潦草地书写,乱写:meaningless

  scrupulous 正直的:principled;一丝不苟的:great care and effort

  scrutable 可以理解的:understood comprehensible

  scrutinize 仔细检查:observe great care

  scuff (使)磨损:roughened by wear;脚步拖沓:move heavily

  scurrilous 说粗话的:vulgar

  scurvy 下流的,让人鄙视的:contemptible

  seamy 肮脏的,堕落的:sordid, base

  secluded 僻静的,隐蔽的:hidden

  secrete 隐藏:conceal;分泌:generate

  sedate 淡定的,安静的:free from agitation

  sedentary 固定不动的:not migratory

  seduce 劝说(使不忠,使不服从),诱...误入歧途:persuade

  sedulous 勤奋认真的:careful perseverance

  seemly 得体的,遵守礼节的:following the established traditions

  segment 分割;部分:separate

  self-abasement 自卑,自谦:humiliation

  self-absorbed 自恋的,自私的:absorbed in one's own

  seminal 有发展性的:contributing later development;创新的:creative

  sensation 感觉,知觉:sense;轰动事件:intense interest

  sensitive 敏感的:susceptible

  sentinel 哨兵,看守:watches over

  sepulchral 阴沉的,丧葬的:lacking in cheer

  septic 腐败的,感染的:putrefaction

  sequela 结果:secondary result

  sequester 使隔离,分离:segregate;使隐退:seclusion

  sere 干枯的,凋萎的:dried, withered

  serendipity 意外发现珍奇(或称心)事物的本领:by accident

  serene 安静的:free from uproar;稳重的,镇静的:unaffected, calm
