canvass 仔细检查,详尽讨论:examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; 游说,去(一个地区)的各处或找到(个人)来拉选票或订单:solicits votes or orders
capitulate 投降,默许:give all resistance
caprice 一时冲动的决定:impulsive change; 反复无常,善变:change, impulsively
captivate 吸引:attract
careworn 忧心忡忡的,焦虑的:grief, anxiety
cardinal 主要的,非常重要的:foremost importance, paramount
caricature 用讽刺歪曲等手法的夸张,漫画,讽刺画:exaggeration; 嘲笑性模仿或夸张:copy, exaggerate
carnal 肉体的,物质的:physical; 世俗的:worldly
carouse 畅饮,狂欢作乐:drink, freely
carp 对小事吹毛求疵,挑剔,表现不满:peevish criticism, objections, express dissatisfaction, tiresomely
carve 雕刻:three-dimensional representation; (通过长期不懈努力)开创,开拓:produce or bring about
cast 演员,演员阵容:a set of characters; 选派(演员):assign, actor; 提出:give off; 抛弃:get rid of
castigate 强烈(公开)指责:criticize; 惩罚:penalty
catalyze 成为···的导火索,导致:be the cause of
catastrophe 大灾难:tragedy; 彻底的失败:utter failure
categorical 没有例外的,无条件限制的,绝对的:without, qualification, absolute
catholic 普遍的,包容的:not limited or specialized
caustic 腐蚀性的:destroying, eating away; 挖苦讽刺的,刻薄的:incisive sarcasm
caveat 警告,告诫:warning of a specific limitation
cavil 挑剔,吹毛求疵:quibble
cavort 欢快地蹦跳或行走,雀跃:sprightly
cede (根据条约)放弃,割让:surrender possession of
cement 粘合,粘合剂:uniting, binding
censor 审查并删除不良的东西:examine, delete
censorious 挑剔指责的:critical
censure 公开表示反对,谴责:public, formal disapproval
census 人口普查:survey, population
cessation 终止,暂停:stopping of a process
chaff 开玩笑:make jokes
chagrin 沮丧,懊恼:mind
chameleon 变色龙,善变的人:changes or adopts opinions
champion 支持:support
chaos 混乱:disorder, confusion
charade 装模作样:intended to deceive; 动作字谜:represented in pantomime
charlatan 骗子,装懂的人:fraudulent
chary 非常谨慎的:cautious
chase 镂雕(金属)以装饰:decorate; 驱赶:force out
chasm 分歧,(意见、利益或忠诚上)明显差异:pronounced difference
chauvinistic 盲目爱国的:excessive favoritism
check 使突然停止,阻止:arrest, abruptly; 同意,一致:agreement
cherubic 天使般可爱的:rosy
chicanery 诡计多端的,欺骗:deception
chide 责备:scold mildly
choleric 易怒的,暴躁的:angered; 生气的:anger, irate
chord 与···和谐一致,符合:accord, agree
chromatic 彩色的:colors
chronic 经常发生的,复发的:frequent recurrence;习惯性的,不可能改变的:not likely, change
churl 粗野的人:rude, boorish; 吝啬鬼:mean, stingy
cipher 无影响或无价值的人:no importance, influence; 计算(价值):determine, mathematical operations; 密码:conceal
circuitous 迂回的,不直接的:not, forthright, direct; 冗长的:more, necessary
circumlocution 绕圈子说话:unnecessarily, indirect, evasion; 冗长:too many
circumscribe 限制:limit; 包围,围绕:surround
circumspect 谨慎的,小心的:careful
circumvent 躲避,不遵从:avoid, comply
civility 彬彬有礼:courteous, politeness
claim 要求(权利):ask for, right; 断言:state as a fact; 剥夺生命:deprive, life; 权利:right
clandestine 隐藏的,秘密的:secret, illicit, improper
clarion 清楚响亮的:loud, clear
clarity 清晰,清楚:clear, lucidity; 清澈透明:easily seen through
clasp 紧握:holding
clement 宽容的,善良的:tolerant, kind; 气候温和的:neither, high, low
cliché 陈词滥调(的):hackneyed
clog 阻碍物:something, movement, progress difficult; 阻碍:difficulty; 堵塞:prevent, through
clot 密集的一群:a number of things, a unit; 堵塞:prevent, through, filling with something; 凝结:jelly
cloudburst 突然的一场暴雨:sudden copious rainfall
clout 权力,影响力:influence
cloying 甜得发腻的,感情用事的:sweet, sentimental
clumsy 笨拙的:lacking, nimbleness, lack, skill; 不文雅的:lacking, grace, inability, graceful; 不精致的:roughly
coagulate (使)凝结,(使)变稠:coherent, clot
coalesce 合并,融合:whole, fuse
coax 哄骗:pleading, flattery, cajole
coda 终曲:concluding passage
coerce (以武力)强制:force, threat
coeval 同时代的,同龄的:equal age
cogent 令人信服的:convincing; 相关的:pertinent
cognizant 知道的,意识到的:aware
collapse 突然倒塌或收缩:fall, shrink; 完全耗尽体力:depletion, energy, strength; 失败:unsuccessful
collude 串通,共谋(做坏事):together secretly, fraudulent, deceitful, conspire
colossal 巨大的:size, degree, immense
coltish 不守纪律的:not subjected, discipline; 爱开玩笑的:joking, teasing
coma 昏迷,深度无知觉:profound unconsciousness; 迟钝,冷漠:sluggishness
combustible 可燃的:igniting; 容易激动的:easily excited
comely 漂亮的,吸引人的:pleasing, wholesome, attractive
comity 友好,社会和谐:friendly, harmony
commencement 开始:beginning; 毕业典礼:conferring
commend 赞扬:approbation, praise; 委托保管:entrust; 推荐:recommend
commensurate 同样大小的:equal; 相称的,相当的:proportionate
commingle 充分混合:blend
commitment 致力,投入:obligated, impelled; 确信:belief; 承诺,表态:revealing one’s view
committed 忠诚的,忠实的:loyal
commodious 宽敞舒适的:spacious
commonsensical 符合常识的,有依据的:common sense, sound
commotion 骚乱:disturbance
compendium 摘要:summary, abstract; 目录,各种各样的列表或集合:list, collection
complacency 自满,无忧患意识:self-satisfaction, unawareness of trouble
complaisance 愿意顺从,讨好,彬彬有礼:comply, affability
compliant 顺从的:submissive
compliment 称赞,恭维:praise; 敬意,免费赠送的礼物:respectful
comply 遵从:conform, submit
compose 使镇定:calm; 组成,构成:form, constitute