
2022-05-30 11:00:19


  creep 缓慢地行进:slowly;匍匐前进:body close to the ground

  crescendo (声音)渐强:gradual increase;(渐强之后到达的)顶峰:peak

  crest 顶部,浪尖,山顶

  crestfallen 垂头丧气的,沮丧的:depressed

  cronyism 任人唯亲的,对好朋友的偏袒:favoritism friends

  crook 使弯曲:away from a straight line

  croon 低声歌唱或说话:murmuring

  crouch 蹲伏:lower stance

  crucial 非常重要的,决定性的:extremely significant

  crumple 弄皱:bend;(因外力挤压而)垮塌:fall down

  crutch 支撑,支柱:supports

  crux 中点,关键点:critical point

  cryptic 秘密的:secret;含义模糊的:ambiguous meaning;超出理解能力的:beyond one’s powers to know

  culpable 该受谴责的,有罪的:deserving blame

  cultivate 提升,加强:improve;种植,培养:promote growth

  cumbersome 笨重的,难处理的:difficult to handle

  cunning 狡猾的:artful deceptiveness;(手工)灵巧的:skillful;欺诈,欺骗:practice of misleading

  curmudgeon 脾气坏的、爱抱怨的人:irritable and complaining

  cursory 匆忙的,不注意细节的:excessive or careless speed

  curt 言词简略的,直接(以至显得粗鲁)的:direct, brief, and potentially rude;言简意赅的:convey much information

  curtail 缩短,削减:less in extent or duration

  cynic 愤世嫉俗者:selfishness

  dabble 涉猎,对…浅尝辄止:superficially

  daft 神经错乱的:abnormal, sick state of mind;不明智的:lack of good sense or judgment

  dais 主席台,嘉宾席:raised platform

  dally 虚度时光:doing nothing;玩乐:amusement;慢吞吞,磨磨蹭蹭:slowly

  damper 抑制因素:restrains, depresses

  dandy 纨绔子弟,爱打扮的人:appearance;最佳的,最好的:very best kind

  dank 阴湿的:wet

  dapper 衣冠整洁的:strikingly neat and trim

  dappled 有斑点的,花的:marked with small spots, mottled, spotted;色彩斑斓的:two or more colors


  daredevil 大胆鲁莽的(人):foolishly;不考虑后果的:a lack of concern for the consequence

  dart 突然移动,猛冲,狂奔:suddenly;公开侮辱:intended to hurt another’s feelings

  daunt 使胆怯,吓到:to lessen the courage

  dawdle 闲荡,虚度光阴:spend time idly;拖拖拉拉:slowly

  deadpan 无趣的,无生气的,不活泼的:impassively

  dearth 供应不足:inadequate

  debacle 溃败:complete failure

  debark (使)下船(飞机、车等);卸(客、货):unload, from a ship or an airplane

  debase 贬低,贬损:lower standing

  debilitate 使衰弱:impair strength

  debris 废墟:discarded, useless material

  debunk 揭穿…的真面目:true nature;证明…为假:false

  debut 初次登台,出道:first appearance

  decadence 衰落,颓废:deterioration, decline

  decant 轻轻倒出:pour off without disturbing

  decipher 破译:interpret;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea

  decode 解码:change into ordinary language;对…有清晰的想法,理解,解读:clear idea

  decorum 礼仪,得体:appropriateness, propriety

  decrepit 虚弱的,衰老的,破旧的:weakened

  default 不履行义务,玩忽职守:nonperformance

  defer 推迟,延期:postpone;遵从:respect

  deference 尊崇,顺从:yield to

  deficiency 缺乏,不足:inadequate

  defile (山间)小道:a narrow passage;亵渎:treat with great disrespect;使腐坏,污损:make unfit for use

  deft 灵巧的,熟练的:skill

  defuse 抚慰,减轻:make less tense

  defy 反抗,违抗:go against

  dehydrate 去除水分,使干燥:remove water;使失去活力:deprive of vitality

  deify 把…当作神来崇拜:offer honor or respect to;过分喜爱:love or admire;尊敬,尊崇:high status or value to

  deject 使沮丧:lower the spirits, dishearten

  deleterious 有害的:harmful

  deliberate 深思熟虑的:careful

  delicacy (外貌、结构等)精致,极度兴奋,发狂:fineness

  delirium 精神错乱;极度兴奋,发狂:mental disturbance confused

  delusion 错觉,妄想:false

  deluge 大暴雨:drenching rain;大量:great flow

  delve 探究,钻研:detailed search for information

  demagogue 蛊惑民心的政客:leader false claims

  demanding 难以取悦的,难满足的:satisfied;费时间花心思的:requiring careful attention

  demolition 破坏,毁坏:destroying

  demonstrate (通过证据)证明,表明:make clear using examples;使明白易懂:make plain or understandable;表现,表露:make known

  demoralize 使士气低落:dishearten;贬低,使堕落:lower in character

  demotic 通俗的,大众化的:common

  demur 表示异议,反对:opposition, objection;犹豫:doubt acceptability qualm

  denigrate 诋毁,污蔑:scornfully

  denouement (小说的)结局:final resolution

  denounce 公开指责:public or formal disapproval;宣称…道德上错误、可耻:morally wrong

  dent 凹陷,凹痕:depression;(数量,程度上)削弱:make smaller

  denude 脱去,使赤裸:bare

  deplete 耗尽,使衰竭:make complete use

  deplore 哀悼:sorrow

  deploy (有目的地)展开;调度,部署:spread out

  deportation 放逐:removal from a country

  depose 宣誓作证:testify;废黜,罢免:remove from a throne;摆放:arrange

  deposit 自然积累,沉积,矿藏:accumulation;存钱:put in account

  depravity 道德败坏:immoral, harmful or offensive

  deprecate 不喜欢:unfavorable opinion;贬低,轻视:express scornfully;降低…的重要性,使低调:play down

  depreciate 贬低…的价值:lower value;轻视:lower estimation, esteem

  depressed 不开心的,情绪不高的,消沉的:unhappiness;生活境况悲催的:healthful environment

  deprivation 匮乏:privation

  deracinate 根除:pull out

  derelict 玩忽职守的,不认真的:lacking duty, carelessly;被社会遗弃的人:social misfit

  deride 嘲弄,嘲笑:contemptuous mirth

  derivative 非原创的:originality

  descend 下降:downward;世代相传:pass by inheritance

  descendant 后代:deriving directly from

  desecrate 亵渎,玷污:treat shamefully

  desiccate 使(食物)脱水以保存,使干燥:drying;使缺乏活力:deprive vitality

  designate 任命:to pick for a specific position or duty;命名:give a name to
