51. wary / chary / awry
chary: If you are chary of doing something, you are fairly cautious about doing it.
awry: If something goes awry, it does not happen in the way it was planned.
wary - 谨慎的
52. ignoble(卑鄙的) / ignorable(可忽略的)
53. glib / glide / gild / goad
glib: If you describe what someone says as glib, you disapprove of it because it implies that something is simple or easy, or that there are no problems involved, when this is not the case.
glide: If you glide somewhere, you move silently and in a smooth and effortless way.
gild: If you gild a surface, you cover it in a thin layer of gold or gold paint.
goad: If you goad someone, you deliberately make them feel angry or irritated, often causing them to react by doing something.
54. voracious / veracious
voracious: If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as
voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something. (LITERARY)
veracious: truthful, honest.
55. ingenuous / ingenious / indigent / indigenous
ingenuous: If you describe someone as ingenuous, you mean that they are innocent, trusting, and honest. (FORMAL)
ingenious: Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.
indigent: Someone who is indigent is very poor. (FORMAL)
indigenous: Indigenous people or things belong to the country in which they are found, rather than coming there or being brought there from another country. (FORMAL)(=native)
56. sympathy / apathy / antipathy / pathetic
apathy: You can use apathy to talk about someone's state of mind if you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything.(=indifferent)
antipathy: Antipathy is a strong feeling of dislike or hostility towards someone or something. (FORMAL)
pathetic: If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them.
57. don / doff / dour
don: If you don clothing, you put it on. (WRITTEN)
doff: If you doff your hat or coat, you take it off. (OLD-FASHIONED)
dour: If you describe someone as dour, you mean that they are very serious and unfriendly.
58. impervious / imperious / impetuous / imperil
impervious: If you are impervious to someone's actions, you are not affected or influenced by them.
imperious: If you describe someone as imperious, you mean that they have a proud manner and expect to be obeyed.(WRITTEN)
impetuous: If you describe someone as impetuous, you mean that they are likely to act quickly and suddenly without thinking or being careful.
imperil: Something that imperils you puts you in danger. (FORMAL) (=endanger)
59. reap / heap / leap
reap - 收获,英⽂中我们经常说 to reap what you sow
60. blandish / brandish
blandish: to coax with flattery
brandish: If you brandish something, especially a weapon, you hold it in a threatening way.