
2022-06-08 18:12:38

       通过大热美剧来学习不愧是边娱乐边学习的一大高招,可以为考生枯燥的GRE备考,平添不少生动的乐趣。接下来一起看看GRE考试内容:  《生活大爆炸》中的GRE场景词汇【nevertheless】


  Leonard失恋33天之round 4: 振作

  - Sheldon: Oh, come on. Leonard...this is obviously about Penny.

  -Leonard: It doesn't matter. The woman's not interested in me. The woman rejected me.

  - Sheldon: Okay, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you. You did not ask her out.

  -Leonard: You're right. I didn't ask her out. I should ask her out.

  -Sheldon: No, no, now that was not my point. My point was don't buy a cat.

  -Leonard: No, but you're right. I should march over there and ask her out.

  -Sheldon: Oh, goody, we're getting a cat.

  失恋中的Leonard各种走调地唱悲伤情歌甚至打算养猫,暗中观察的谢耳朵试图说服Leonard不要养猫,并且指出Leonard失恋的原因是因为他从来没有约会Penny(重点: 劝说Leonard不要养猫)。Leonard突然醍醐灌顶,觉得自己应该去大胆约会Penny(重点: 纯纯的暗恋似乎出现一丝曙光)。

  场景词汇:我们一起来学习对话中出现的【nevertheless】这个词。(nevertheless经常作为GRE填空中的线索词,表转折,转折前后取反)【类似功能的词还有: but, yet, however, nonetheless】

       以上网今天带给大家的GRE考试内容:  《生活大爆炸》中的GRE场景词汇【nevertheless】。预祝大家GRE考试顺利通关,申请到理想的大学!
