
2022-05-23 08:40:44


  1、Insead MBA, Full Time (1 year) : Average Total: 701

  Master in Finance (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Executive MBA Programmes (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  2、Harvard Business School Doctor of Business Administration (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Score: 730

  PhD Program (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  3、London Business School Global Masters in Management (2 years): Average Total: 685

  Masters in Finance, Full Time (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  Masters in Financial Analysis (1 year): Average Total: 710

  Masters in Management (1 year): Average Total: 685

  MBA, Full Time (15-21 months) (2 years): Average Total: 705

  PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Masters in Finance, Part Time (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Sloan Masters in Leadership and Strategy (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  EMBA-Global Americas and Europe (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Executive MBA (London) (2 years): GMAT Required

  4、University of Pennsylvania: Wharton Doctoral Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Lauder Institute (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA (2 years): Average Total: 725

  MBA for Executives (2 years): Average Total: 700

  San Francisco MBA for Executives (2 years): Average Total: 700

  5、Stanford Graduate School of Business Doctoral Program,Full-time (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Full Time,Full-time (2 years): Average Total: 732, Range of Total: 550 - 790

  Stanford MSx Program,Full-time (1 year): Median Total: 690

  6、Columbia Business School Economic Policy Management (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Full Time (2 years): GMAT Preferred, Average Total: 716

  PhD Program (More than 2 years) : GMAT Accepted

  EMBA-Global Americas and Europe (2 years): Average Total: 638

  EMBA-New York Friday/Saturday (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  7、University of California at Berkeley: Haas Master of Financial Engineering (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 714

  PhD Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Evening & Weekend (More than 2 years): Median Total: 700

  MBA for Executives (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  8、University of Chicago: Booth MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 724

  PhD Program (More than 2 years): Average Total: 745

  MBA, Part Time, Evening MBA (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Part-Time, Weekend MBA (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  Executive MBA - North America (2 years): GMAT Required

  9、MIT: Sloan Doctoral Program (More than 2 years): GMAT Accepted

  MBA, Full Time (2 years): Average Total: 714

  MS in Finance (1 year): Middle 80% Range: 700 - 770

  MS in Management Studies (1 year): Average Total: 714

  Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation & Leadership (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  System Design and Management (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  Executive MBA (2 years): GMAT Accepted

  10、University of Cambridge: Judge Master of Finance (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  MPhil in Finance (1 year): GMAT Accepted

  The Cambridge MBA (1 year): Average Total: 690

  Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship (1 year): Average Total: 600+

  Executive MBA (2 years): Average Total: 680

