Section One
场次 20110903 2008
场景 问卷调查
题型 填空 10
内容概述 电话调查某城市本地人对该城市的满意度和建议。
1. 地址:Fowler Road
2. 邮编:RO62LR
3. 职业:Waiter
4. Streets 的干净程度
5. Health Service 的满意度
6. Police 的印象
7. 一个是 parks 有很多可以跟老婆散步
8. 还有一个是有 schools,很方便
9. 可以和 local 交流
10. swimming pool
Section Two
场次 20151107A 20100821
场景 地点介绍
题型 地图 5 填空 5
内容概述 总统山介绍
地图 5
1.花费:1 million
2.目的:develop tourism
4.命名:lawyer 命名的
5.用时:7 years
配对 5
6. Information center: photography
7. refreshment
8. souvenir
Section Three
场次 20160105 2012092 20100520
题型 填空 3 多选 3 配对 4
内容概述 两个学生讨论论文问题
配对 4
A. Need more examples
B. Too long
C. Fully prepared
D. Use existing overview version
E. Not relevant
1. Assignment introduction -- C. Fully prepared
2. Body structure -- D. Use existing overview version
Section Four
场次 20150704 2011084
学科 植物
题型 填空 10
内容概述 藏红花
1. number of saffron 50 grams made: 11000
2. method of preservation: by drying
3. to sell it as powder
Modern usage
4. diet of rice/common dishes (and is widely used in cooking in many cuisines)
Medical applications
5. to treat disorders of eyes
6. in a rats experiment, to avoid light damage (early studies show that saffron
may protect the eyes from the direct effects of bright light and retinal stress
Domestic applications in Ancient countries
7. In ancient Greek and ancient Crest, people dye for clothes